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(This is just me explaining my mindset and ideas about the story, you don't have to read this)

So a lot of people were asking for a sequel. Here it is.

I know it's probably not the ending that everyone wanted, but it's the ending that I think the story deserved.

  Something I decided to add which was a change from "As Long As He's Happy" was the way I ended the chapters. From the start, they all ended the same way when the main character was still escaping that singular mindset that she had been stuck in for so long. After a couple of chapters, the endings changed and were different, a representation of her escaping such a singular mindset and entering a more fluid mindset which allowed her to be in more than just one mindset.

A lot has changed since I wrote the first story. I put a lot of myself into this character and as I've matured, I've realized that when I wrote that story, I wasn't healthy. The mindset I had and the way I thought of things wasn't healthy at all.

I'm much better now. I've allowed myself to get to a place where I feel like I can take myself into consideration, rather than auctioning off my happiness so that others around me can be happy.

Both of these stories came from a dark place and a dark time in my life that I hope others can learn from. I am writing and posting this all in one day, so it's probably not some of my finest work.

I don't feel like there's much for me to say about this story because it's all contained in the words I've written down. Everything I've written down, whilst definitely not to the same extent, I have felt at some point in the past two years. I've changed a lot in the past nine months alone. I'm not perfect in the slightest, but I'm trying to get better and that's something that I wish all of you can do as well.

I just urge you to look at those around you and ask yourself if you are sacrificing your own happiness by being around them. It's not something you'd typically think about, but it's such a big red flag that I missed so easily.

I hope this story, whilst poorly expressed, can help anyone in any situation. I'm sorry if this isn't the ending that you wanted, but keeping true to the story, I believe that this is the ending that I needed.

Thank you so much for supporting me and my writing and thank you so much for taking the time to read not only the story, but this note as well. Your love and support and votes and comments all mean so much to me and I appreciate them so much. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much.

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