Part 7

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Flipping through the pages of my magazine Joey and Mouth started playing some stupid shooting game and Book was just sitting there being Book. After the first 5 rounds Joey shoots Mouth and ends up killing him in the game, Mouth decides to pretend like he's been shot. He grabs his chest and falls his head back onto the bed, now his face was next to mine. I was lying on my stomach and he goes "Well hi there pretty lady!" I shove his head up off the bed laughing. "Go get a room you too!" Joey laughed, making us all chime in saying "eww gross" but Mouth being the wise guy he is adds "anyways we have a room y'all are just in it!"

"Is that so?" Joey questioned. "I didn't know you two were DATING!" Oh shit, do I say something? Do I joke about it or will Mouth think that's wierd? Mouth stays quite, which was a bit annoying in this situation. "Yeah you wish! Can you even get in a relationship?" I snicker, Mouth looks at me and then at Joey and all three of us burst into laughter. "Jesus Christ can all of you just shut it I'm trying to listen to the game!" Book yelled over the top of us. There's a silence fall over the room, Book gets up and says he's leaving so he picks up his backpack and leaves the house.

"BROOOO, what a party pooper!!" Mouth semi yells, he gets of the floor and jumps on the bed landing on my legs. "Fuck!" I say, I start hitting his arm "Hey jackass can you get off of me?" He looks down at me and smiles, "What's the magic word??" He teases. "Shit get off!... please!" The "please" was not intentional, he started wiggling his ass making it hurt even more. "Well since you asked so nicely" He smiled with this huge grin and lifts his body up so I could get my legs out. We were now sitting side by side on his bed, and Joey was still playing Mouths video game. Eventually Joey dies and turns off the game, he gets up and looks over at me and Mouth as if he wasn't there for the whole legs being crushed thing. "Hey Joey guess what?" Mouth says for some reason quite excitedly, Joey sits down in a chair and replies with "what?". Mouth glances at me and goes "D has a crush!" They both start giggling, "No fucking way, who is it? Do we know them?" Joey questioned. "Like I'd tell you!" I push back, Mouth gets up and whispers in Joeys ear and they both start laughing so much the were now on the floor.

"What's so funny shitheads?" I snap making them stand up and quite down, "I bet it's Book!" Yells Mouth, "Oh my god imagine! D and Book in LOVE!" Joey adds. "EWWW THATS GROSS NO WAY!" I yell back at them, why would they say Book?? He clearly isn't my type, like don't get me wrong I love the kid and all but as a FRIEND. "It is NOT Book!" "Well Who is it then!?" Joey replied, "That's for me to know and you to find out, or maybe you'll never find out depends on how I'm feeling" I smile and lay back onto the bed. "Ok ok, is it at least someone we know?" Mouth asked, I took a moment. How ironic of course it's someone they know it's bloody him, "Hello? D!" Joey says waving his hand in front of my face "I dont got all day!" He adds. I sit up and say "Yes you might know them." The guys faces lit up as if they were holmes and watson getting ready to solve a big case. I just shake my head, Joey gets his things and says goodbye. He had chores so he had to leave and get them done before Dal has an anurisum and gets Joey to do his chores as well. And then it was just me and Mouth again, sitting side by side on his bed as the sun fell in the sky.

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