Part 8

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It was getting late and i had just helped Mouth put all his siblings to bed. His mum was out on a trip for work and wouldn't be back till Monday of the following week. As we said good night to his youngest sister we walked back into his room. The house phone started to ring in the kitchen and Mouth went to answer it, and a few seconds later he walked back into the room with the phone and said "it's for you". I grab the phone and start talking, "Hello?" "Hey D it's Vada I've given mum all her medicine and put her to bed, i was just checking if you were coming home tonight?" I looked out the window at the pitch black sky and back at mouth. "Uh i dont know i was gonna come home but time kind of slipped away... hold on ill ask Mouth" i put down the phone and turn to Mouth who had sat back down next to me. "Hey do you think it would be okay if i crashed here for the night?" I said a little bit nervously. He looked at me and smiled "Of course you can crash here mum wouldnt mind as long as you were safe!" He replied so cheerfuly i felt butterflies in my stomach and my cheeks went warm, "thankyou!" I hug him and picked the phone back up.

D-"Hey, it's really late and Mouth said I can just stay here for the night. Are you gonna be ok with mum on the morning?"
V-"I'll be fine! Really I'll see you tomorrow"
D-"Okay well I probably won't see you till tomorrow afternoon after school, okay I love you!"
V-"Yep love you too!"

I hang up and walk to the kitchen to hung the phone up, Mouth followed me out and grabbed a few blankets from the cupboard in the hall. "Hey, thankyou again for letting me stay the night" I say as we walk back into his room. "It's really no problem D, I'd rather you safe then out there walking home" he's really sweet when he wants to be, and especially when it comes to his siblings he would do anything for them. "So where am I sleeping?" I ask as there wasn't another bed in his house other then his mother's but I didn't want to go in her room it feels wrong. He stops and looks at me and says "On my bed stupid" then turns and sets the two blankets up on his bed. No way we can't share a bed we arent five but I'd be close to him, no no that's to wierd we can't. Out of nowhere he starts laughing I snap back into reality and look at him confused. "I'll sleep on the floor next to my bed don't worry yourself girl" he chuckles, I look at him and start laughing "you had me for a second Mouth" I could feel myself blush a bit more, I couldn't help it I'm staying the night with him.

I jumped onto his bed and hopped under the first blanket, I was about to lay down when Mouth said "you can't go to sleep in those clothes, hold up I'll go get you something" and leaves the room. What was wrong with these I know they aren't pajamas but it wasn't like I was planning to sleep over. I sat and waited for him to come back and after a few minutes he did with a pair of grey pajama shorts and threw them at me. "Wow thanks I love pants being thrown at my face" I tell him as he walked over to his drawer, "Yeah I bet you do" he replied. He pulls out one of his shirts and hands it to me this time, it was a black metallica t-shirt a bit faded but other then that it was fine. I look at him "What do you want me to do with these?" "Put them on as p.j's idiot" he replied as he looked through his movie collection. I get up and head towards the bathroom, I locked the door and got changed. With the shirt on you could barley see my pants but I guess that's fine they are just for bed for tonight. I grab my things and walk back to mouths room he was sitting on the end of his bed clicking the tv remote. "So what are we watching dingus?" I ask as I sit down next to him and put my clothes in my bag, he reaches over and turns off the lights and says "The breakfast club". I look at him with so much exitment "This is my favourite movie ever!" I turn back to the screen and got comfy, Mouth leaned over and whispered in my ear "I know". My whole body freezes, I'm getting so many mixed signals right now how am I going to spend a whole night here and not tell him I like him??

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