Part 10

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We had fallen asleep on Mouths bed after we talked for a bit. "MOUTHHH!" was my alarm this morning along with Mouth practically throwing me off the bed when he awoke to the yelling. His siblings had woken up before us and were fighting over who got the toy in the cereal box. Whilst Mouth went and sorted it out I got up off the floor, grabbed my bag and walked into the bathroom. I slashed my face with some cold water and looked into the mirror, "I'm his girlfriend" I whispered to myself with a smile. Last night was like a fever dream, I couldn't believe what had happened but I was so exited. Once I was changed into my normal clothes I left the bathroom and went out to join everyone in the kitchen.

I sat down at the table next to Mouths youngest sister and waited as Mouth made me a bowl of cereal. He placed the bowl down in front of me and walked to the opposite side of the table and sat down. His siblings were having like 3 different conversations, whilst me and Mouth kind of sat there in silence. Once everyone had finished their breakfast they went and got ready for school, so I helpped do the dishes. "Hey you don't have to do that, ya know" Mouth said as he walked up behind me. The next thing I knew he wraps his arms around my waist and placed his chin in the crack of my neck and shoulder. "I know but I wanna help out! Besides you let me stay here it's the least I could do" I say as I finish up drying the last bowl. Mouth smiles and whispers into my ear, "thankyou" then walked away.

It was almost time to leave for school and Mouth was still in his room so I went to go and get him. Reaching for the handle I find out it's locked, I was very confused what was he doing in there. "Mouth are you okay in there?" I gently knocked on the door and waited a few seconds, until I finally got a response. The door swings open and he looks at me wide eyed with a massive grin, "Are you okay? What's wrong idiot??" I say a bit scared. The next thing I knew he grabbed me by the wrists and waltzed me out the front door of the house with the rest of his siblings. He waved goodbye to each and everyone of them until it was just me and him walking to school. "So are you gonna tell me why you where so happy before we left?" I question him still not sure of what had happened. "Okay fineee, I guess I can tell you" he chuckled, i just rolled my eyes and listened.

"Well you know how my mum was supposed to be back next Monday!" He asked, I nodded my head yes. "She called me this morning from her trip and said she will be gone an extra week!" He beamed at this. Yet I was quite puzzled, "why is that a good thing??" He stopped walking and so did I, "you can stay over however long you want and she'll never know!" He chimed and kept walking leaving me behind. I could feel my face turning a light red as I smiled at the thought of staying over at Mouths again. Shit what about mum and Vada?? I said I'd be home tonight to help Vada out with mum. "Hey Mouth!" I call from about 5 feet behind him, he turns on his heel "yeah?" I caught up to him and said "I can't stay over tonight, I promised Vada I'd be home to help with mum" I look at the ground worried about his facial expression. "Hey, look at me.." Mouth lifts my chin up so we were now looking into each other's eyes. " You don't have to stay over every night! I know you gotta help out" his words were so soothing. "And when my mum gets home from her trip I'll come over and help a few nights, I'll tell mum I'm staying over at Joeys" we both laughed at that. I smile and he grabs my hand and we start walking, "Hey Mouth.." "mhmm"
"Thankyou, for everything. Truly" I quietly say. His respond was a kiss on my forehead and with that we made our way to school.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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