***Jake's POV***
"If I can't have her, no one can." I said as I handed the knife to Britney.
***joey's POV***
Today we all met Rebekah at the mall so we could go shopping. We all met up at Starbucks, just like we did in high school.
We are in the car right know driving to the mall. Hailey was driving, I was in the passenger, and Demi and Rose were in the back.
Rose had her headphones on, listening to music. It was so loud that I could hear every word. This fucking song is so annoying.
"Everybody want to steal my girl!
Everybody wants to take her heart away!"Rose sang loudly.
You do not look good in prison orange, you do not look good in prison orange. I kept telling myself that.
Finally after, what felt like hours, we made it to the mall.
"Hey bek." I said as we sat down with our drinks. All five of us squeezed into a small little table and started to talk.
"Hey, so what are we going to do today?" Rebekah asked.
"Let's go see a movie." I suggested.
"Yah! I really want to see the new magic mike." Hailey said.
"Oh hell yah!" Demi said.
"Let's go!" Rose yelled as she dragged me towards the movie theater. Oh great.
"5 tickets to magic mike two." Hailey said to the lady at the counter.
After we paid we went to the refreshment bar. I ordered a blue slushy and a bag of gummy bears. once we all got what we wanted we went to the theater.
We watched the pre views and laughed at some of the stupid ones. Once the movie started we all went quiet. Every once in a while Hailey would whisper "damn." When Channing Tatum was on screen, shirtless.
After the movie I had to pee. I went into the bathroom and this girl kept giving me a weird look. It really started to bother me. I'm pretty shore I've seen her before.
She has short blond hair, blue eyes, and looked totally bitchy. I know I've seen her before.
There was another lady in the bathroom with us. She was older, around 50 or so. As she was leaving, I was washing my hands.
After she left the bathroom the blond locked the door and crossed her arms. she was glaring at me. If looks could kill, I would be dead.
"Um, can you unlock the door?" I asked.
"Shut up bitch." she said and swung at me. She hit me right in the jaw.
I fell to the floor with a thud. My hands went up to my stomach. If this bitch hurts my unborn children, I'm going to flip a bitch.
"Stop!" I pleaded.
She didn't stop she just started to kick me. The woman kicked me in the ribs and stomach. Then the woman took out a knife. She's going to stab me!
I was moving trying to dodge the blade. She tried to stab me again, causing me to move, and her to stab my shoulder.
I screamed in pain. not only is this hurting me, it's injuring my babies. The woman kicked me in the head and everything started to get dark.
The woman was about to kick me when the door was kicked in. Hailey launched herself onto the woman, taking her to the ground,
They started to fight, then Demi came in.
"Rose! Call the police!" She screamed.
Rebekah ran in and came to my side. She ripped off her jacket and put it under my head.
"Joey, Joey, talk to me," She said putting her hand on my cheek. I flinched and she backed off a little. "Where does it hurt."
I put my hands in my stomach and tears started to go down Rebekah's face. Rose ran to my other side and had a phone pressed to her ear.
"Yes, she's pregnant and was just brutally beaten," Rose said crying. "Hurry! Please! She's losing blood!" Rose cried into the phone. Rebekah ripped the phone out of Rose's hand.
"She has been stabbed and we need to stop the blood," She said into the phone, trying to keep calm. "Ok, ok, ok," Rebekah said. "Rose! Give me your shirt!"
The shirt was being wrapped around my shoulder and Rebekah was pressing down on it.
My eyes were starting to drop and I couldn't keep them open. The pain was just too much.
"Joey!" Rose cried before my eyes shut.
Just like that, everything went black.
Don't kill me!
*hides behind an army*
I'm sorry.
Well, that's the end of the chapter. Crazyhorse27 weirdgirl47 joey_in_wonderland _Mmkay_Bye don't hurt me. please.

Hair dye and pizza
Teen FictionI was standing in front of my biggest fear. A plain. I have too get on it. I can't ruin his career. "JOEY!! STOP! Don't go." I turn around and see the love of my life running towards me. ****** Book #1 Joey Irwin is my name. Yep you guessed it I'm...