Hope you had a grate thanksgiving! The outfit up top is what joey was wearing at the concert.
🍗~🍗~🍗~🍗~🍗~🍗~🍗~🍗~🍗Joey's POV:
I rolled off the hotel bed and hit the floor. Groaning I looked up to see Rose laughing her ass off. We had to go to sleep late because someone, *cough* *cough* Hailey, bought the boys and Demi red bull. Let's just say that it was a long night of watching 4 boys and Demi jump from bed to bed in our hotel room.
When rose stopped laughing I flipped her off and stood up. I asked "why the hell did you just wake me up?" "It is 11:00 and I thought you would want to see the boys play at their concert tonight." I then noticed that we are the only ones in the room.
I started walking towards my suitcase when Rose said "I want to pick what you wear!!!" She ran past me and grabbed my suitcase. I really done feel like arguing with Rose so I let her pick my cloths.
Rose threw a black tank top with a skull on it, ripped black skinny jeans, black high healed boots, and a black beanie. I loved the outfit! I gave Rose a look and asked "what are you up to?" She grinned and said "nothin..." I glared at her and she screamed "I get to do your makeup and hair!!" Ugh this is going to be a long morning.
My insane best friend dragged me to the bathroom where her huge makeup box was. She sat me down on the edge of the bathtub. Rose walked to her box of death and picked out her tools of torture.
After she did my makeup she asked "I want to try something with your hair." She grabbed her straightener and straightened my hair. My hair was so long it was unbelievable. With my hair being curly it was about to my mid back. Now it was almost past my butt.
"Jesus you need to get a hair cut, Joey." "Agreed." After Rose was done torturing me I pushed her out of the bathroom and locked the door. I got dressed and almost fell over when I tried to walk in the death traps Rose calls heals. Even though they are boots they are really tall.
I opened the door and seen Rose was on her phone. She looked up and said "damn you look hot!" I instantly blushed. "Do not." "If you don't say you do I will push you over. Since you don't look to balanced in those heels." I nodded yes because I really don't want to fall.
*skip car ride*
We got out of Rose's car and I almost fell. We slowly walked to the back entrance and went to the guys dressing room. Rose opened the door and what we seen didn't surprise me one bit.
Ashton had a trash can lid around his neck, Michael was screaming "I want to be in the tribe!", Luke was video taping them, and Calum and Demi were...making out?
I knew that they liked each other but I never thought they would say something about it. I noted that I need to interrogate Demi later. There is one thing that, the 3 boys that are being loud, have in common. They all have a can of red bull in their can.
I looked at Hailey and she smiled. I was about to say something when I felt Michael wrap his arm around my waist, lifting me up to were my legs were around his waist. He started to spin me and I started to laugh.
Michael eventually fell on the couch with me on his lap. He kissed me and it was a beautiful moment until, of corse, Rose ruined it. She snapped a picture of me and Michael. I was going to cuss at her and flip her off until Michael kissed me again. On cue Rose took another picture.
By then I was beat red. I tried to get up so I could chase after Rose but Michael had his hands on my waist so I couldn't move. I said "Microwave." "Doll." Then everyone started to say each others nickname. I attempted to get up again, key word attempted. Rose took the chance to run off like the crazy person she is. Before she ran she snapped another picture.
I sighed and looked back at Michael. He said "you look beautiful today. Like usual." I smiled and blushed a darker shade of red. He kissed my cheek and stood up. After he set me down he kissed the crown of my head.
Michael said "I got you guys front row seats." I smiled and said "thank you!" I kissed him quickly before Rose could take a picture. The guys were called to go on stage so we had to go find our seats.
After we sat down I interrogated Demi. She said Calum asked her out last night the two of them went to go get coffee for everyone. Soon the show started. After they sang 'End up here' they started to sing 'she looks so perfect'. The whole time Michael would glance and wink at me. Soon I felt people staring at me. Weird.
Right as they finished their last song everyone they huddled together and started to talk. When they broke apart ashton said "my beautiful sister come on stage please, Demi, Hailey, Rose come on you guys too." My eyes widened as he said my name. Rose pushed me right up to the stage and Michael helped me up. When we all were on stage Ashton continued.
"As you all know this is my sister, Joey. This is Rose, Demi, and Hailey." He pointed to each of us when he said our name. Michael wrapped his arm around my waist. He kissed my cheek and said "Joey is my girlfriend." So this is why Rose made me dress nice. I need to remember to yell at her later.
The crowed cheered after he said that. I blushed and looked down. Before we were actually together there were rumors that we were together. At the time we told everyone that it was not true.
After they messed around on stage a little longer we all walked off. When we were off stage I looked at Rose and said "is that why you tortured me with make up?" She nodded and smiled. Well at least I looked nice.
The ride back to the hotel was silent but a comfortable silence. It was pretty late so it was really dark. When we got back to the hotel Rose was passed out so Ashton carried her. Everyone was tiered so we went right to our hotel room.
After I put on my sweatpants and one of Michael's t-shirt I laid on the bed and pulled out my phone. What I seen was unexpected. Last time I was on social media I had about 3k followers. Now I have 10k. The first thing to come out of my mouth was "Holy shit." Ashton yelled "Don't swear!!" I ignored him and turned off my phone. After everyone went to their hotel rooms I tried to go to sleep.
I laid there for a minute almost asleep when the bed dipped down and arm wrapped around me. I sighed in contentment. Michael whispered in my ear "I love you to the moon and back." I smiled and said "I love you too." He kissed my neck and I giggled. "Stop that tickles!" "Never."
He kissed me again and I started to laugh. I tried to get up but he rolled over so he was on top of me. Michael kissed all over my face and neck. "Your going to give me a hickey. Stop!" Instead of stoping he gave me a hickey! "You're a pain in the ass. You know that right?" "But I'm your pain in the ass." I rolled my eyes and pushed him off me.
"Go to sleep. Goodnight." Michael chuckled and laid down next to me. He pulled me closer to him and I closed my eyes. Soon I fell into the best sleep of my life.

Hair dye and pizza
Novela JuvenilI was standing in front of my biggest fear. A plain. I have too get on it. I can't ruin his career. "JOEY!! STOP! Don't go." I turn around and see the love of my life running towards me. ****** Book #1 Joey Irwin is my name. Yep you guessed it I'm...