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~ The Triwizard Tournament ~

The feast was laid out elegantly along the table. Foods ranging from mouth watering roast chicken, to sizzling bacon and fluffy mash potatoes. The feast was the perfect start to every year.

As the students made their way to the hall, the marauders jumped into their seats, sitting in the same positions they had since 1st year. James next to Sirius, opposite Remus and Peter. Lily sat down by Remus, and they chatted to each other. James always felt a stab of envy seeing his friend get along so well with his crush, they studied together at least 3 times a week, and they fact they were both prefects didn't help either.

The sorting had just finished and everyone was talking loudly, craning their necks to get a look at their new house members.

Dumbledore cleared his throat quietly and announced loudly to the hall, "Students, settle down please!" The hall silenced almost immediately, all heads turned to see what the wise man had to say, "before the feast commences I have a very important announcement to make, which I am sure you would not like to miss.

"An old tradition which was deemed to... dangerous for students to go through has been recently revived,"

Murmurs spilled through the great hall, people were whispering ideas to their friends, excited to know more.

"However the ministry have spent the last few months making sure the safety of any and all students is completely secure. So for this year... the Triwizard Tournament shall be taking place at Hogwarts!"

The murmurs had stopped being so quiet and the room had erupted with noise. Most people hadn't a clue what he was talking about, but for those who did - namely Lily and Remus - they looked worried and slightly sick.

"I don't think that's a great idea myself," Remus muttered gravely.

"What is it?" James asked curiously, not wanting to be left out.

"The Triwizard Tournament is a competition where one pupil from each of the three selected school faces different trials," Lily was still in a state of anger and shock about the announcement but continued, "the trials are extremely dangerous which was the whole reason it was thrown out in the first place! People have died because of this tournament why would they bring it back?"

She looked up at James who was grinning madly, and her face fell, "Potter?"

"I'm gonna do it," he said, with a look of determination.

"You can't! It's- it's too dangerous you could get hurt, or even killed!" Lily gasped angrily.

"It'll be fine! I'll just do a few little magic tricks and boom, sorted," he smirked at Lily, "are you worried about me Evans"

Lily raised her eyebrows and scoffed, "not you personally, Potter. Just anyone stupid enough to enter."

"I shall enter as well!" Sirius has stood up and out his hands on his hips, standing dramatically, like a superhero. Some heads turned, and there was a ripple of giggles around the hall.

"Thank you Mr Black, I'm sure you will," Dumbledore took control of the room once more, "settle down again, thank you. Yes, the Triwizard tournament is to start at the end of October, however students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang shall be arriving at the beginning of the month, to give them time to settle in."

Whispered started again, but the headmaster raised his voice again, "because of the dangers of past tournaments only students in 6th or 7th year can enter."

The room erupted with yells. Furious younger students shouted about unfairness and how they knew just as much at the others did. The older students laughed at their younger friends and siblings, even if they weren't going to enter at least they had the opportunity.

Dumbledore continued with his speech, talking about everything else, however no one was listening, everyone was talking in hushed tones between themselves about the competition.

At the very end of his speech Dumbledore quickly added, "ah, because of the Triwizard Tournament there shall be the Triwizard Ball, which can be attended by 4th years and above," disgust and annoyance could be heard from all the younger students, "and also, as a result of the new students and planning for the tournament: Quidditch this year is cancelled."

"What?!" Sirius Black and James Potter looked at each other, both with their mothers hanging open, shocked to the core by what they'd just heard.

"No... quidditch?" James said, slumping back into his seat, "but- but why?"

"I just got a new broom!" Sirius groaned sadly.

Marlene, a fellow Gryffindor chaser, chimed in, "oh boo boo for you guys! I only made the team last year, and we didn't even win the cup!"

Glum faces could be seen on every quidditch player and fanatic, however the others were nonplussed. Quidditch to them was just something to watch, but the tournament would be just as, if not better than, that anyway.

Lily was not of that opinion. She'd read about the Triwizard tournament and she didn't want anyone (no matter how irritating they were) to but themselves at risk. Yes they may have a few new rules but did they honestly expect no casualties? Could they assure that no ones would be harmed?

"You two can't be serious about entering this thing right?"

"Course we are, sounds like a breeze doesn't it Prongsy," Sirius winked at her theatrically.

"Walk in the park Padfoot," James sung back.

"I think you mean you three, Lils," Lily swung around a look of pure horror and worry on her usually carefree face.

"Marlene no," she choked out, "you can't- I won't let you- what if you get hurt?"

"Quit worrying Lily, they said they'd have security measure in place to make sure nothing happened," Alice laid her hand on Lily's, trying to comfort her, "besides I'm sure loads more students will enter too, what the chance of one of these three getting it?"

"I suppose you're right," she sighed, trying to remain calm, "maybe... just think about not entering?"

She looked at the three daredevils meaningfully. She didn't like James, that much was obvious, but that didn't mean she wanted to see him hurt or even dead.

James practically had a heart attack right on the spot. He spluttered and made no comprehendible noises, and finally had to settle for a nod. She smiled back and turned back to Marlene, shuddering inside and feeling just a slight guilt for using her... powers?

I suppose it is sort of a power, she thought although that only made her feel worse. Although it felt wrong, logically she knew it wasn't, she was just warning them, not actually forcing them to stop.

She didn't feel great about the whole situation though, allowing teenagers to battle it out against one another,

Even if they were total prats.


Nothing to exciting this chapter, just introducing the tournament and some backstory I suppose idk. Vote to save this total prats 😔.

Q: if you could bring any fictional character back to life, who would you pick?

Word count: 1134

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