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~ The First Match ~

The defence against the dark arts lesson had just finished, and Lily made her way out of the classroom to make sure she was on time to Potions. Suddenly, a greasy, black haired boy appeared by her side.

"Hey Lily, how's it going," Severus smiled awkwardly at her, they still hadn't really talked since their last potions lesson, and he knew Lily was still mad at him.

"Fine," she replied bitterly, "you?"

"Yeah, I'm good," Severus looked at her sadly and cleared his throat, "you know I- I just want to say I'm sorry for the other day, I was sort of a dick, I shouldn't have taken control of the potions... it's just you know how much Potter gets on my nerves... anyway I shouldn't have taken it out on you, I'm sorry."

Lily continued walking forward, refusing to look at him still, "hating Potter isn't an excuse to be a total prick, Sev, and you didn't let me do anything; do I look like Potter to you?"

Snape laughed a little, "well... in certain lighting-"

Lily gaped at him, giggling slightly, but trying not to show it, "how dare you, I'll have you know I'm 10x prettier than he ever will be."

"I know you are," Severus said softly, leaving a slight awkward silence between them.

Lily pretended not to hear the way he said that and continued, "you still haven't earned my forgiveness you know?"

"No?" Snaps looked at her intrigued.

"No... but if you come to the Gryffindor Halloween party this year you will," she smiled at him.

"Oh... um, I'm not too sure-" Severus frowned, looking down at the floor

"Your friends are welcome to come too!" Lily added.

Severus grinned half heartedly and breathed out, "aah, sure I mean I can see-"

"Yes! Sev you'll love it!" Lily jumped happily, "you've avoided this for too long, now I can finally properly meet your other friends."

Severus looked into her eyes and couldn't resist smiling, "alright then, I'll be there."

Suddenly, they could hear loud footsteps thumping up the hall. They turned around to see Remus Lupin speed walking towards them.

"Hey, Lily! Wait up," Remus ran up the hallway to her.

"Uh, I better go," Snape started to walk away, "see you in class!"

"Oh alright then," Lily gave a confused wave, "see you."

She spun around and grinned at the wheezing boy in front of her, "hey Remus, you alright?"

"I have been elected as representative of the Quidditch team to ask you for your help," he grinned guilty as he tried to catch his breath.

Lily rolled her eyes and started walking again, "did Potter put you up to this?"

"Eeeeh," he scratched the back of his head, "maybe... a little bit. But in all fairness I need your help too, we're trying to figure out the timetable and planning of the quidditch games and he thought you'd be good to help. Maybe organise a prefect meeting to do it?"

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