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~ The Chosen Ones ~

James made his way down the small staircase and into the side room where the other two competitors were standing around. He smiled at them both as he walked in.

"Hey, ehh I'm James," he introduced himself to them, shaking their hands politely, "uhh what we're your names again? Sorry with all the drama I've sort of forgotten."

"No worries, I am Antoine," the boy grinned at James. He had a warm smile, James thought, he could tell that this boy wasn't going to take the competition too seriously and that he might be someone to laugh with. He stepped back, to allow the other competitor to introduce herself, his golden blonde hair swaying as he did.

"I am Iduna, how are you feeling?" Iduna seemed a little less confident but was clearly trying to make an effort. She tugged at her brown cardigan as she waited for a reply.

"Uh yeah, I feel fine- well a little overwhelmed I wasn't really expecting to actually be chosen you know," James replied, "how bout you guys?"

"Eh not too bad, I was training back in France, plus I was on my schools quidditch team so I'm used to the pressure," Antoine shrugged casually, as if this was an everyday occurrence.

"Hey, me too!" Iduna grinned at Antoine, "I was seeker, so I've got the reaction times too," she wiggled her eyebrows jokingly.

"No way I am too!" James lit up grinning childishly right back at them, "chaser for 3 years and house captain." He smiled smugly at them both.

"Wait a second, I am a goal keeper, together we could have enough for 3 player quidditch," Antoine laughed, "I am pretty sure we would crush whoever went against us as well, 3 champions, plus my team has won our school tournament 4 years running."

"Ooh nicely done! I've only won once so far," James high fives Antoine, and congratulated him.

Although they were all talking and comparing their achievements, it was clear, although no one had said, that they were all not doing it to be cocky or brag. This random group of champions, all from different schools, and countries, didn't feel so random and made them all feel a little safer.

"So how long you been house captain?" Iduna asked James curiously.

"Urgh... since last year," he replied, realising time had passed faster than he'd thought, "last captain left school along with 2 of our chasers and a beater. I wasn't the oldest on the team, but they still picked me to be captain." He smiled to himself, realising how much he was going to miss quidditch this year.

"You know we had to cancel our quidditch tournament this year to come here, I think I am going to miss it," Antoine added, "this is great and all but I love being with my team, you know?"

"It's like you can read my mind Antoine," James looked up to him in awe.

"Hey, I have an idea!" Iduna exclaimed excitedly, "why don't we have a mini tournament? Or just matches for fun? Between all our schools teams," and then added to Antoine, "or whoever came over from our schools teams."

"Iduna that is a brilliant idea. Can't believe I didn't think of it myself!" James said, already planning to tell the team as soon as possible.

"Not all my team is over here, but I'm sure I could easily get enough players for a team," Antoine told his fellow competitors.

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