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~ Training ~

For the following week, James plagued Lily with his almost constant talking in potions. She had tried desperately to sit in a different seat their next lesson, but Slug horn had finalised the seating plan so that was that. At least Alice and Severus were near though.

She was in the Gryffindor common room at night. They had just finished their first week back and everyone was exhausted.

"Urgh, I can't believe I missed this place!" Marlene groaned, practically hugging the burning fire, "I'm so tired, I think my hair might actually be falling out."

Lily put her book down, giggling, "Mar, I think your hair's fine, you've done this for 5 years already how can you not be used to it?"

"I'll never get used to this Lils, it's awful, right Alice"

"Well..." Alice said cautiously.


"Sorry Mars!" She exclaimed, "I hated it to start with, but during my holidays I came to find I quite like being up early, gives you more time you know?"

Lily grinned, she knew Marlene would hate this.

"Oh great! Friends with the only 2 early birds in the entire school, how could this of happened?" She slumped wearily into her chair.

Suddenly, the portrait swung open and 2 boys crept quietly through the hole, trying not to be noticed.

"Eh hum," Lily pretended to clear her throat loudly, "we can see you, you know."

A faint "damn" could be heard and the girls laughed, "come on out we know it's you guys, who else would be out this late?" Marlene scoffed.

"Fine, fine," Sirius stepped forward, a defeat frown on his face.

"Padfoot! What are you doing, get back here!" A desperate whisper could be heard from the leader of the totally inconspicuous gang.

"James I can see you from here," Alice had leaned over the side of her armchair and was waving at him.

"Oh," he sighed and stood up, joining the others.

"So what are you doing out so late then?" Lily enquired.

"Emmm," James scratched the back of his head, not wanting to answer and Sirius looked away. Lily rolled her eyes, she knew she was a prefect now, but it's not like she was going to snitch... well unless they'd been doing something stupid, which knowing them they had.

"Don't worry I won't snitch on you," she reassured them.

James looked uncertain but Sirius grinned, not able to contain his excitement, "we were on the quidditch pitch training!"

"Training? At this time of night?" Alice looked confused and shocked, just like the other girls did too.

"But quidditch is cancelled this year," Marlene added.

"Not for quidditch you dingbat, for the tournament!" He said, throwing his arms in the air, for dramatic effect.

"Sirius, we weren't telling anyone remember?" James glared at his friend, a boy who just had to take any opportunity to talk about himself.

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