Chapter 5- Common interest- plot relavent

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(This chapter is plot relevant)
It was a usual morning. I remember people talking about the infamous swimming pool incident and I'm either guessing it's the one in episode 36 or the one off screen. Either way, it happened at the swimming pool. I don't know when or how the evil psycho person will escape but one thing is certain. Aelita will be hospitalised. Have you seen the state of the supercomputer?

Either way, XANA's latest attack was... possessing me! I guess I have to go to Lyoko again soon to become immune again. I did so much damage that they had to do a return to the past. I don't really remember my time being xanafied but I can tell you what happen after the return.

I collapsed.

No rhyme or reason. I just collapsed. Ulrich and Odd happened to be nearby so they dragged me to the infirmary. I must have been passed out for a while because the next thing I remember was being in the hospital. My mother was holding my hand, in tears. "Ruby! I thought I'd lose you!"

I held her hand. "I'm sorry that I worried you. I'm not really sure what happened though."

"Maybe it wouldn't have happened if you weren't on your phone all the time," she joked. I didn't laugh. That was the one excuse I hated from my previous life. "The doctors are going to keep you under surveillance for a while and if everything is fine, then they'll release you today. You apparently collapsed because of stress and exhaustion." Well she isn't wrong.

I gave her a nod. She left the room after a bit. When I was alone, I looked around the room. My bag! Where was it! It had my Lyoko diary! The one where I write everything that happened in order! If someone finds it-

My thought were interrupted by a knock on the door. Yumi's head peaked through. "Hey Ruby," she said. WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?

"Hey Yumi," I calmly said, hiding my fear and confusion. "Did you come all the way here to visit me?"

"Not quite," she confessed. "My friend is in hospital and you were also here." I gave her a nod, something which I seem to excel a lot at nowadays. "And... I came across this." She held up my Lyoko diary. I froze. "It fell out of your bag earlier."

I searched my mind for possible excuses. "That's a novel I'm writing! It has a diary style to make it seem more realistic!"

"And are we're the main characters?" she asked. Damn. That's a good counter argument.

Without having any other option, I held my hands up, showing her that I was surrendering. "You got me. It's a diary, sort of. But I wrote about your adventures instead of what I did."

"How do you know about Lyoko?" she asked sternly.

"I don't come from around here."

"So you're an alien?"

"No. This isn't my world. But it is my world." She didn't get it. "I'll explain later. Is Aelita also being hospitalised?" She looked surprised but eventually responded. "There's an activated tower on Lyoko. I can't tell you which sector but you'd better hurry if you want her to live."

"What do you want us to do? Break her out?" I gave her a look.  "Fine."

"Wait," I said. "I'm coming with you! To Lyoko! I'm starting to lose my immunity to the return in time!" She tried to talk me out of it but I had already made my mind.

I looked around for my clothes. I ushered Yumi to wait outside as I got dressed into my green and white stripped shirt, black leggings and grey hoodie. I put my hood up and arranged the pillow to look like me. Then I followed her to Aelita'a room, where Ulrich was on the phone, presumably with Jeremie.

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