Chapter 8- Attack of the Zombies

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I walked with Yumi to the rest of the group. "Hi so how did the Italian test go?" Apparently, Jeremie didn't do so well and Odd mocked him, in Italian. Sissi then walks by, followed by Millie and Tamiya; she seems annoyed. We comforted the girls who seem a little angry. Why does this seem familiar?

I headed home and found myself reading through my journal. Uh oh. Zombie alert. I asked my mother if I could stay over at a friend's house today to revise for a test, she knew I got pretty good grades so she was reluctant at first so I got on my knees and begged with all my might. And to my luck, she agreed. I packed a bag with survival stuff: a rope, my laptop and my Lyoko journal. I didn't really go anywhere. Not even Yumi's house so I headed to the school cafeteria, where I saw Jeremie, Aelita, Odd and Ulrich sat at a table. "Hey, guys."

"Ruby?" Odd asked. "What brings you here?"

"A future XANA attack," I claimed. "According to my journal, it's really exciting and I wasn't about to miss out on something this good."

"Well? What is it?" Ulrich asked.

"I can't tell you, because it would change the course of the story. We just need to wait for..." As if on cue, Milly ran in. "Her." Milly claimed that Tamiya attacked her to which Rosa attempted to comfort her. "That's our attack. Every ounce of what she said is true and we need to leave before the black haired prince charming stops you."

"Who?" Jeremie asked.

I gave Ulrich a look, and he understood immediately. "William."

We began to leave as Odd asked. "Could I eat your chocolate pudding?" to which Aelita responded with, "Isn't that your fourth one?"

"Doesn't matter." I headed towards Milly. "If you want, we could go to the principal." I turn my attention to Sissi. "Want to come with us?" We dragged her along. I directed Odd to be on the look out. We saw Jim and Sissi began to speak to him. I grabbed Milly's hand, knowing that i was too late for him. When Sissi screamed, I grabbed her hand and sprinted, dragging the other two along with me. We barely made it back. "Do you believe her now?" I asked her. "Zombies." I saw Rosa faint in the background.

Ulrich called Yumi while we were outside. "We need to go," Jeremie said as he approached the back door.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" William asked.

"Uh, outside," Jeremie replied.

"No way. It's too dangerous."

"That's our problem, William," Odd replied.

"I'm the oldest one here so I'm responsible for the group. And I'm telling you you're waiting here and waiting for help." Ulrich looked like he was ready to throw fists.

"Think again," I said. "I'm the oldest. And I say that these four can leave, because they can actually help, unlike you who'll just sit here and weep like a coward. Since, I'm the oldest, I'm in charge."

"Why are you here?" he asked. "You don't even live in the dorms."

"Because I had a feeling that you were going to need me." I stared at him. He stared back, fuming. "Either way, the police won't do anything; according to my journal, they'll check with the gardener before he's zombified, he'll reassure them that there's nothing wrong and then they'll leave, just before he turns into a zombie."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because," I said sternly. "Unlike you, I'm not acting responsible this one time. I'm always on the look out and if I say that these four can help us, through some unknown resources, then I mean it. They have to leave before the situation gets worse so... we're going." I may have been too harsh but William has done nothing but ruin my ships since he got here. "Once were gone, act like you're the oldest, because right now, you're just plain rude and bossy." I opened the door and peeked out. "The coast is clear. Let's go."

Ulrich's phone ran, "Yumi? Yeah. It's a living dead convention here; we'll come as soon as we can."

I stepped out, analysing our surroundings. "Kiwi?" I heard someone say. Wait...

"NO!" I was too late. Odd was bitten by Kiwi. I grabbed some rope from my bag and charged at him, holding him down. "You three! Hurry! Get to the factory!" I saw them close the door. "Alright someone tie him up. And keep an eye on that dog!"

We had successfully tied him up but Kiwi was nowhere. I looked back at my journal again. Apparently, he goes to the factory. No, no, no... I need to get there ASAP. But I can't leave everyone here.

I saw William, looking pretty degenerated. "William?" He looked up at me before looking away. "I'm sorry, that I was being such a jerk; it was a spur of the moment thing and-"

"You're right," he said.

"Excuse me?"

"You are a jerk." I tried not to loose my cool. Remember, you're not the reckless, dumb kid I used to be before I died. Mentally, I'm thirty. "But when do you ever think about anyone but us? You're the rude one. You never did anything for anyone and now? You're doing it for what? To look good in front of us?"

"You think I wanted to stay behind?" I retorted. "I bet the others are already trying to save us and I'm here wasting my time when I could be with them. The only reason I stayed was because someone needs to make sure that the other zombies don't get in. And if it wasn't for me, then you'd be a zombie by now!" He looked taken back. WHAT AM I DOING? I SHOULDN'T SCOLD A SOON TO BE LYOKO WARRIOR! AHHHH! Wait no. That's no it. I SHOULD BE SO MEAN TO SOMEONE JUST BECAUSE THEIR PRESENCE RUINS MY SHIPS!

Without much of a choice, I called Jeremie. "Hello?"

"Did you get there?"

"Yeah, but Ulrich sacrificed himself for us."

"You mean he's a zombie too? You have to hurry up, Kiwi's coming to zombify you so you can't do a return to the past."

"We're trying but XANA erased a portion of the sector!" he screamed.

"It did? Wait, my journal might have something." I may have been a die hard fan, but even I can't remember everything for sixteen years. "It didn't erase it; XANA just made it invisible. It's safe to walk on!"

"What?" Jeremie said. "I'll tell the others."

"Okay," I said before cutting the call. I looked back at William. "Ulrich's a zombie, but don't worry, this is all almost over."

We waited for a few minutes. At this point, the zombies began banging on the windows to try and break them. A white light engulfed us.

I found myself back to that morning. I felt guilty. I know that William was just trying to help, and I just snapped at him like he was nothing. I approached him. "Hey William." He greeted me back. He wouldn't remember. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For any future inconveniences."

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