Chapter 17- I'd rather not talk about it

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Jeremie is really being a pain. He suggested that he wants us to get in shape by giving us impossible exercises to do. Unbelievable. Thankfully. We all agreed to ask Jim to do it. Like that was any better. It was just like an actual military boot camp, likely that's gonna do any good for my antisocial otaku self. This is not good. I tried so hard to keep up, and in the end, I had to pretend to faint, 15 minutes in.

Jim carried my unconscious body to the infirmary before staring to drag the rest back. And when they tried to do the same, he didn't buy it. As soon as he left, I slowly pretended to wake up. And told Yolanda that I would like to go home.

At home, I got out of my gym clothes and decided to try to debug my avatar. I've spent almost a year on it and still haven't figured it out. At this rate, XANA will die and the Lyoko warriors won't be able to shutdown the supercomputer, because of me.

Why am I connected to Lyoko? Without much to go on, I decided to go to there myself and find out myself. I went to the factory and virtualised myself on the forest sector. Then I ran to the closest way tower, which was north of my position. I entered the tower, leaving a ripple like effect on the edge of the candle like structure. I went to the upper level and began searching for answers.

After an eternity, I found that my avatar had spread some of my digital code into all of the way towers and sector 5, which in turn, connected me to the Core Lyoko. XANA did this so we wouldn't turn the supercomputer. Great.

I collected the data from the tower I was in. There were 8 way towers and the sector 5 interface and I had only cleared one of them.

I heard Aelita's voice from my ear. "Ruby? Are you there? There's an activated tower in the forest sector."

"Okay! Devirtualise me!" I said. "I'll guide you from outside!" I found myself disintegrating. I stepped out of the scanner, Yumi and Odd ready to go to sector 5. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, the core was under attack.

I ran to the elevator and went up. Aelita got out of her seat. "Do you know what the attack is?" she asked.

"Nope. But Jeremie's not here so it has something to do with him." I got in the chair and cracked my fingers. "Transfer Aelita. Transfer Ulrich. Scanner Aelita. Scanner Ulrich. Virtualisation! I'm sending you guys the overbike. Odd? Yumi? Here are your vehicles." I watched as Aelita and Ulrich went right past the tower. "Woah, woah, woah, where are you going? You just slid past the tower!"

"We did?" Aelita asked. "We didn't see it? Oh. It's visible, isn't it?"

"Seems like it. And XANA just sent you a welcome party. Krabs."

"Fantastic," Ulrich went. "First a boar and now krabs?"

I switched the screen to sector 5. "How's it going on your end?"

"Great! Adeline and I were just chatting," Odd went.

"Please don't name the monsters, Odd. Every time, the core is hit, I get hurt. Please hurry!"

"Roger that, ma'am!"

The tower was deactivated, Odd was devirtualised but at least Yumi had devirtualised William and protected the core. I flipped open my journal. Jeremie doesn't do a return to the past. Ok then. I guess I won't either.

At school we realised that Jim remembered everything.

"That's exactly it," Jeremie said, with a hint of pride in his tone. "He remembers everything."

"You've got guts, Belpois," Jim said.

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