Chapter 11- Straight to heart

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After two weeks of vacation, we're finally getting our schedules for the year. I really hope I don't get put in the sam class as Yumi. I need some personal space. But I did... so...

I didn't really do much during said vacation, except trying to figure out how my bugged avatar caused me to collapse. After all, Aelita lost her memories and got attached to the supercomputer because she stayed in the supercomputer for ten years, right? I went to Lyoko three times. HOW IS THIS LOGICAL?!

The best place to look was for answers was the Hermitage. Without any other leads, I walked to the manhole in the park, and went to the Hermitage using the sewers. I had never been there and it was terrifying. I thought I would get lost (and I did) but luckily I decided to use my last living brain cells to leave a path of spray paint, something I had purchased soon after the last episode.

At the Hermitage, there was nothing that really interest me. There were mostly tattered books. In one room, there were several books lined up against a wall. And among them, I found a book on Norwegian Gods. I pulled it out and flipped through the pages. "The Skidbladnir." I was probably smiling like a dork at this point.

I took my time to read all about it, and with great interest too. As I was reading, I began to feel a sharp pain in my chest, like I was shot at by a monster in Lyoko. It felt surreal. Am I in a simulation bubble, being attacked by blocks or something? I hope not... But why were my insides hurting?

I could feel the pain for almost half an hour until it finally stopped. I lay still on the floor of the hermitage wondering what the heck happened. I wrote down the feeling in my diary and hoped that I'm not dreaming.

I decided to take my new spray painted path back to the manhole and decided to head home for the day. That is, until I decided to make a quick stop.

For some reason, I found myself outside the Ishiyama residence, holding a tin box of biscuits. I rang the doorbell. Mrs Ishiyama opened the door. "Hello. I'm Yumi's classmate. I was wondering if I could get some help from her, since I'm struggling with my homework."

"Of course," she smiled. I handed her the biscuits. "You shouldn't have." I started to take off my shoes. "Don't worry about it. Yumi's in her room upstairs, first door on the right. I bowed a little before slowly ascending the stairs.

I knocked on the door and waited. "Yumi?" I said, with a tremble. Since my recent fallout, we haven't been on good terms. She opened the door and let me in.

"What brings you here?" she asked, placing a cushion by her beside table.

"A lot of things," I managed o say hoarsely. The journey up he stairs made my mouth dry. "But it's mostly about Lyoko." She gave me a look. "I haven't been the greatest person to get along with, but it's for the safety of the world. I know how this will turn out if I change the timeline. I don't want that," I lied. I made an educated guess as to what would happen if XANA succeeded in his schemes. "So has XANA attacked?"

"You should know, shouldn't you?"

"I'm starting to forget. It's been fourteen years, after all."

She sighed. "XANA attacked this new room where the heart of Lyoko lay."

"And at what time did it happen?"

"Around 2-ish." That's when my seizure happened. Oh no. Am I somehow connected to the core of Lyoko? Why me?

"Okay. Well, that's it," I stood up. "I'm sorry for taking so much of your time. Thanks." I thanked her mother and left.

My only thought that night was that... I might die. If I was connected to the core of Lyoko, then the season finally will kill me, unless I debug my avatar. And people would wonder why a perfectly healthy girl suddenly died, right? The police would get involved and I can't have them finding out about Lyoko. Not over my dead body. So the only logical thing to do is hide it. But where? Where would no one look? The Hermitage?

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