Chapter 7- A Bad Turn

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This is probably one of my favourite episodes in the show, because Aelita shows off how badass she really is. The day started out quite normal, we were each given a trial at riding the car thing, William and Ulrich got detention and XANA activated a tower.

During the driving period, I constantly check my watch, knowing that a krab would probably have materialised by now. "Is something wrong?" Aelita asked.

"Other than Ulrich ignoring Yumi? Nah," I replied. "I'm just wondering if I left the stove on this morning." I gave her a reassuring smile and hoped that she didn't pick up on my weird behaviour.

William and Ulrich began fighting and were sent to the principal's office. And on cue, the superscan picked up the activated tower. He started to head to the factory when I got a call from my mother. "Hello?"

"Ruby! Help! There's this giant... crab outside that's shooting lasers at us!"

"What?!" I screamed. "Hide! I'm coming." I faced the others. "What do I do?"

"Is your mum okay?" Yumi asked.

"She's being attacked by a krab. It wasn't supposed to be like this!" I said quietly. If Yumi's family isn't being attacked then Yumi won't go to help them and she won't make up with Ulrich. "I need to go," I said aloud. "My mum's in trouble."

"Go," Jeremie said. "We'll take care of the rest." We parted ways and I ran back to my house. As I turned the corner, I skidded to a stop as I saw the krab a few metres away from me. My mum was nearby. I snuck around the krab and into my house.

"Mum?" I shouted in a whisper. "I'm here. Where are you? Are you hurt?"

She came out from her hiding space. "I'm fine but..."

"We both have questions but we need to get out of here. Come on. Slowly and quietly." I signaled her to follow me as we exited the house through the back. I threw a rock and watched it walk to the other direction. Then, when it was far enough, I grabbed my mum's hand and ran. All the way to Yumi's house. As we ran, I made sure to call Yumi, begging her to come help.

We reached her house and I broke down the door. "Hello?" I called. "Mr and. Mrs Ishiyama?" No reply. "I'm Yumi's classmate. Is it alright if we stay here?" Mrs Ishiyama poked her head through a door. "I know it's bad manners to break down a door but, we're being chased by a giant evil krab. Please help us." I said that in one breath, leaving me breathless.

As I heard the mechanical sound of the krab, I closed the door behind me, and took off to find a space to hide. Lucky for me, it wasn't long before Yumi came and diverted its attention onto her. I signaled the Ishiyama's, Hiroki and my mother to use this opportunity to run, but Mr Ishiyama refused, wanting the help Yumi.

He put on his Japanese armour and charged at the krab. It didn't work. When all hope was lost, Ulrich arrived, grabbed the sword and began to deflect the krab's lazers. At this point, I could practically heard the badass fight theme in my head. "Woah!" I heard Hiroki say. "How many times have I told you that this is the guy you should go out with?" I smiled at his coment. Finally, another Ulumi shipper.

I called Jeremie. "How's it going Einstein?"

"XANA broke all three scanners, Aelita's all on her own and Odd's playing with another one upstairs. How about you?" he asked.

"Ulrich fighting another one in front of Yumi's house. It's almost like he's getting their approval to date her." I chucked. "Tell Aelita to hurry. I don't think any of us want to be sea food today."

"Okay. Talk to you soon," he said before I cut the call. Ulrich fought with this moster for a few minutes, doing cartwheels and stuff, before the return to the past was done.

We found ourselves to that morning. Oh thank god. Now I won't have to explain anything to my mother. Ulrich and William are now on Good terms and I certainly hope that the next episode won't happen anytime soon.

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