𝐢𝐢 | and i get lost in your eyes

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and i get lost in your eyes
- bright, echosmith

3,067 words !


"CARE to explain how you almost destroyed the world?"

"Not really, thanks."

Techno stares across the table at this "unbelievably powerful" criminal who allegedly almost destroyed the world.

He doesn't look like much, to be honest. A generic face, nothing you'd see and think, yep, that's him, that's Mr. World Destroyer. If Techno passed him on the street, he wouldn't give the man a second glance.

Okay, that's a lie. The guy is somewhat good-looking.

He's also a criminal, so he has that going for him.

(Then again, so is Technoblade.)

"Why not?" Techno asks. "Don't want to shout your victory from the rooftops?"

The man—Dream, if the case officer is to be trusted—shifts in his chair. Techno sympathizes; those chairs are really uncomfortable. It's why he's standing.

"No," Dream says.

Techno shrugs. "I'm just sayin', if I were a world-destroyer, everyone would know." He pauses. "And I'd succeed." He's never been one to do something half-assed, after all.

"Aren't you one of the good guys?" Dream asks.

"I'm only what you make me out to be."

A small smirk plays across Dream's lips. "So a pompous asshole?"

He thinks he's funny.


"I wonder what that makes you," Techno muses.

Dream bares his teeth. "Why don't you take these handcuffs off, and we'll find out?" He turns his wrists, drawing attention to the metal circling them.

"Tell me what your power is, and I will."

The blond leans back in the chair. "No."

Well, that's progress.

Techno's going to count that as a success.

Take your victories, whatever they may be, cherish them, use them, but don't settle for them.

He'll take his victory for now, but Technoblade won't settle until he gets the answers he needs.

It takes someone very powerful to nearly destroy the world, and they're keeping the main suspect in a normal cell with only one set of power dampeners.


"I'll tell you what my power is," Techno offers.

Dream snorts. "Sure you would. As if you even have one."

Techno almost smiles.


"Anythin' that touches my bare skin dies," Techno says. "I killed over a dozen people in my first ten minutes of bein' alive."

An unreadable emotion flashes across Dream's face—fear, most likely. Uncertainty of what to do with this new knowledge.

It doesn't matter, not really.

Techno rarely lies, but this is one of his favorites to tell.

His real power isn't quite as intimidating, but it's certainly unsettling.

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