𝐯 | it's killing me to see you this way

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it's killing me to see you this way
- little talks, of monsters and men

4,572 words !


HOW many lovers are too many?

When do you stop falling in love with a person and start falling in love with the feeling of being loved?

Is it so wrong for him to desire love but never return it?

Three times.

Three weddings.

Three husbands.

Each and every one ended in disaster, no thanks to Dream.

He can't help himself, though, even knowing it's wrong, knowing they'll hate him if they find out.

Dream sets himself up for destruction and acts surprised when everything comes to a standstill.

Three times, three weddings, three husbands.

Every villain desires something they cannot have.




Villains are greedy, selfish, spiteful. It's a given that there's no compromising with them; there's no use in arguing. A villain will bite and claw and kick, go to any length they must.

Heroes fight villains, and they get nothing in return.

Tommy fought Dream through life and death, their own little dance from the beginning.

To his bravery, the universe bestowed him with, what?

Betrayal, more times than he could count.

Once, in a room too small and too crowded, a crooked grin, a faint grin, a mocking salute to a nation they may never have loved.

Twice, an explosion ripping apart the land he sacrificed everything for, those damn words repeated, a single button destroying everything.

Thrice, at the hands of the only one left, bitter words marking him an outcast, never looking back once until they were face-to-face again.

Heroes get nothing.

A villain, though, can try.

More than anything—more than power and immortality and control—Dream wants love.

He wants to be loved like he once was.

If he had a nickel for every time he wished he had a time machine, he'd have enough money to make that damn machine and fix this all.

If he'd known, he never would've let it play out this way.

Dream would chop off the snake's head before it could do any damage.

Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur—they'd never step foot in these lands. Let them live out their lives.

Remove them from the timeline.

It'd be the Dream Team again, forever inseparable, like they're supposed to be.

(A lie. He'd always feel it, the faintest whisper of something missing, a hole in his heart.)

They chose their paths, though.

Dream's thankful for the time they had together.

He loved them both, and they returned it more than he deserved.

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