𝐱𝐢 | i hear your hum and noise (and it sounds so free)

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i hear your hum and noise (and it sounds so free)
- cvs, winnetka bowling league

682 words !


"WE'RE outside," Technoblade says flatly. "Happy?"

Dream lets out a string of noises, ranging from television static to something resembling a foghorn.

The god sighs. "That's a yes, then?"

Dream's nod is punctuated with a low hiss. Techno thinks he might've heard a "yeh" sound in there.

Close enough.

They plod through the snow, Dream trailing behind on unsteady legs. Technoblade could leave him in the dust if he wanted, and he kind of does. Guy needs to hurry up a little.

Today is much worse than yesterday, though. Yesterday, Techno woke to the smell of pancakes and Dream's humming.

Today, it was the garbled siren of the vault.

Yeah, big change. Technoblade didn't want to deal with a sad Dream all day, hence the walk.

It seems that was the right choice. Dream toes at the snow, pushing a clod out of the ground.

Techno eyes him warily. "You better not kick that at me," he warns.

Dream tilts his head up, presumably meeting the god's eyes behind the mask.

The edges of the mask blur into the air, boundaries shifting from moment to moment. Even standing still like this, Dream is in movement. The glitches make the smile drift—down, then right, then back to its proper place.

It's not as creepy as it once was, but Technoblade didn't find it creepy to begin with. It was kind of endearing, honestly.

He knows more about the glitches now, though, and he wishes more than anything he could meet the person who cast the curse and rip them apart. Dream doesn't deserve this half-life, dancing along the edge of existence.

Techno will find them one day, and he'll make them reverse their curse.

For now, though, he indulges Dream and the trivial things that make him happy.

Dream looks down at their feet. Techno's hooves sink into the snow while Dream's booted feet rest lightly on the top layer. He is weightless in his ever-shifting palpability.

Dream shuffles forward until their feet are nearly touching—then darts forward and delivers a swift kick to Technoblade's knee.

The god winces, staggering back half a step, only to be struck in the face milliseconds later with snow.

"What the—" Techno shakes his head sharply, snow scattering. Water droplets mar his glasses. "Dream."

He receives a raspy laugh that sounds like shattering glass and creaky door hinges and wind chimes.

It's painfully discordant and oddly harmonic, and it melts Technoblade like nothing else.

"I have snow in my eye," the god complains, scrubbing at his face. He's wearing glasses; how the hell is there snow in his eye?

Dream's just magical like that, he supposes. There's not a single drop of godly blood in the blond's veins, and thank Prime for it. Dream as a god—Technoblade wouldn't know how to deal with that.

Dream sidles closer, and Techno eyes him cautiously for any deception. Sensing none, he allows the man to approach.

They are centimeters away when Dream stops. Techno's skin prickles with the weight of Dream's unseen gaze. He meets the mask's eyes, unwavering, waiting.

Dream pulls his hand out of his pocket. It inches upward, than sinks down slightly.

Techno makes no movements. Their breath fogs the air. It's not cold enough to discourage him from standing here until Dream builds up his courage.

Finally, tentatively, Dream reaches up with a gloved hand. Technoblade finds himself quiet as it nears his face.

Tangibility is hard for Dream, especially in his hands.

Techno sees Dream's fingertips touch his cheek, but he feels nothing. There is no presence, not even a ghost of a feeling.

He closes his eyes, though, leaning into the nonexistent touch, chasing it like he would if Dream were solid.

Technoblade can almost feel the warmth of Dream's skin.

(He knows he's dreaming it. Dream has never been warm, and he has never been cold.)

Dream's words are softer, still indistinguishable among the static and hisses, but Techno would recognize his message in any language.

A smile graces his face, and he murmurs for only them to hear, "I love you, too."

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