𝐢𝐢𝐢 | i'll love you like the movies

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i'll love you like the movies
- love you like the movies, anthem lights

4,921 words !


"THIS sucks," Dream decides, waiting impatiently at the foot of the stairwell. People rush past; why are they in such a hurry? It's going to be some boring-ass assembly that they're stuck in for three hours. Dream is enjoying every second of freedom he has.

Before this morning, Dream didn't even know there was a school assembly. He still doesn't know what it's about, and frankly, he doesn't give a damn.

Apparently, though, it'd been in the newsletter every week for the last two weeks.

No one reads that newsletter.

No one.

"Dude, it's not that bad," Sapnap says. "We'll just find a corner away from the teachers and play, I dunno, Angry Birds the entire time."

"I've beaten the game," Dream says, scanning the faces streaming by. Where the hell is George? It doesn't usually take him this long.

Must be the crowd.

He'll get here sooner or later, though, and Dream will take every excuse he can.

Sapnap rolls his eyes. "Everyone's beaten Angry Birds. That's not the point."

"I wanna ditch," Dream complains, switching the subject. "No one's going to notice."

There's an arcade just two blocks from the building. A lot of people stopped by there after school; Dream currently holds two number one spots and five spots in the top three, all on different games. He's spent hour after hour on those games since he was in elementary school, getting progressively better as time went on. If he was given three hours, he could definitely improve his score.

The arcade's no fun alone, though.

"I think I'll stay," Sapnap muses. "I'll sleep through the entire thing. Pull a George."

"Who's pulling a George?" a new but familiar voice asks.

Dream grins, watching the brunet join the group, slipping his phone into his back pocket. "George! Our favorite British man."

"I better be," George replies smoothly. "What's the plan?"

"Dream wants to ditch," Sapnap says, "and I want to sleep."

"It's going to be crowded," George points out. "Four grades in one room."

Dream shudders. He's not claustrophobic or anything, but that's a lot of people, and being packed shoulder-to-shoulder with them is not his idea of fun.

You know what is his idea of fun is?

Ditching this stupid assembly an playing in the arcade for three hours.

"That's why we shouldn't go," Dream argues. "We could actually relax and get something done instead of listening to some presentation for ages. Did you even hear what it's about?"

Sapnap nods. "Yeah, something about the scho—"

"You're better off not knowing," George interrupts flatly. "It's going to be boring."

"You don't know that," Sapnap mutters.

"It's a school assembly, Sap. That alone makes it shit."

Dream nods in agreement. It's a fact: school assemblies are an organized form of torture, and regardless of the subject, they are shit.

No arguments can be made to convince Dream and Sapnap otherwise.

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