𝐯𝐢 | let me fall into your gravity

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let me fall into your gravity
- i miss you, adele

1,457 words !


THE sunrise is beautiful this morning. Red and gold streak the sky, hints of pink and purple making themselves known. Dream isn't a morning person in the slightest, but this? This is worth it.

He exhales softly, watching his breath fog the air. A chill hovers about—they're on a mountain; of course it's cold—but he barely feels it. It's hard to feel cold in the presence of the god of the Nether, as Dream learned over the past few months.

He's also discovered that said god is a sucker for blonds with death wishes that march into the Nether with a half-assed plan to kill God.

In Dream's defense, he got offered a lot of money.

In Techno's defense, he's not the first god Dream's charmed, just the first Dream hasn't killed.

That's not to say he won't kill the god eventually. Being the god of an entire realm doesn't shit to Dream, not when there's so much money on the table. Will his death throw the world out of balance? Certainly, but there are plenty of gods to replace him.

Maybe Dream will feel bad about it. He's come to like Techno, truth be told.

Gods are cruel, though, and some are older than time. There's not a one out there that isn't drowning in blood, and Technoblade is no exception. In fact, it's only in the past few centuries that he's retreated to the Nether.

Dream researched the god's history. He knows that, before there was a god of the Nether, there was a god of blood.

The Blood God didn't die. He lives on, biding his time.

That doesn't mean Dream won't enjoy Techno's company. He can feel the god's gaze, fully absorbed in watching the mortal beside him.

A smile tugs at the corner of Dream's mouth. Without looking away, he says, "I thought you brought me here to watch the sunrise."

"I've found something far more beautiful," the god replies softly.

They once called you the Blood God, Dream thinks. Thousands worshipped you, killed in your name. How did they never discover you were a romantic?

Dream scoffs, both at Techno's words and his own thoughts. "And they call you scary."

"Would you prefer I threaten to rip your throat out?" Techno asks, a hint of teasing darkness in his tone. It doesn't scare Dream, even if it should. Gods are fickle beings. The moment he loses interest in Dream, the blond is as good as dead.

It's a matter of keeping himself interesting, entertaining, not quite an equal but at least a challenge. That's the only reason Dream's still alive.

Techno has to know that Dream was sent to kill him. That's the only reason people venture so far into his realm. A few months of flirtatious smiles and genuine laughter doesn't mean shit when there's a lifetime of gold awaiting him.

Dream doesn't even have to kill Techno to do it.

Tusks gleam in the dawn, ivory glistening gold. If he takes those, Dream would never have to kill again.

There'd be no late nights spent regretting Techno's death, and that alone tempts Dream.

Going after those tusks is a fool's errand, though. Dream got lucky, but many before him were not. There are legends of blood-stained tusks, crimson dripping from their points. Dream remembers seeing Techno's warm amber eyes flash a cruel vermilion, and he knows they're more than legends.

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