𝐱 | we got nothing to lose and each other to gain

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we got nothing to lose and each other to gain
- in betweenin', austin brown

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"YOU shouldn't be here," are the first words out of Dream's mouth when Technoblade steps into view.

Techno observes the man for a moment, watching Dream scribble runes without hesitation. This is something he has done many, many times.

In the beginning, Techno would offer to help, but even then, centuries ago, he only got in the way. He can't fathom how old the curse must be; most wear off once the caster dies.

Dream told him once that they've long since died. The curse, however, remains as the caster's sole legacy.

"Why not?" Techno asks. "Midnight isn't for another fifteen minutes."

"That's not enough time to make it out of the forest," Dream says through gritted teeth.

Technoblade shrugs. "You've never hurt me before."

Dream utters a soft sound, something caught between a scoff and a laugh. He says nothing in response. It's out-of-character, but then again, equinoxes always make Dream quieter.

They've known each other for centuries, though their paths rarely crossed. Dream is a minor god, responsible for some trivial detail Techno forgot as soon as Dream told him. The blond rarely has anything to do and has far more freedom as a result of that.

Rests are few and far between for Technoblade. There are always wars somewhere, so there is always a need for a god of blood.

(The times when he isn't summoned for war are worse.)

Despite their differences and infrequent meetings, the two gods are friends. Techno witnesses the curse taking effect from time to time, and they have a mutual agreement to never talk about it.

Techno doesn't ask for details about the curse, and Dream doesn't press when the voices are too loud. They're simply there for each other when they meet, and then they move on.

It's easy.

A few months ago, Dream asked to travel with Technoblade. Unlike Tommy, Dream knows the meaning of silence, so Techno allowed it. He found that he enjoyed the company.

They lost track of time, and the vernal equinox snuck up on them. There was no time to prepare; Dream grabbed his supplies and vanished into the forest.

Techno followed, of course. Dream may be an excellent runner, but there is no one better than Technoblade when it comes to hunting.

"Leave," Dream says again, finishing the last of the runes. "Please."

"Give me a good reason," Techno counters. He'll leave, of course, since that's what Dream wants, but again—midnight isn't for fifteen minutes. That's plenty of time.

"I'll kill you," Dream says.

It's an opportunity to ask, to press further—what is your curse, Dream?

Techno doesn't take it. He doesn't care.

"You'll try," the god corrects, "and you'll fail."

"I won't."

"I have a motto to live up to," Techno reminds Dream.

The blond rolls his eyes, removing the white mask from his hip. As far as Techno knows, the only time Dream takes it off is in front of the Blood God.

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