𝐢𝐢𝐢.𝐢 | i'll love you like the movies, extras

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extras from i'll love you like the movies

6,151 words !


you said you dated george, right? <

"<3 or something"
> Yeah
> Sort of
> Why
> Youre not planning to kill him are you

you had a serious boyfriend glow-up <

> ,,,
> True
> However
> You didnt answer my question

hey <
dream <
what's george's address <
out of benevolent curiosity <



Techno's phone dings once. He usually leaves it on silent whilst studying, but he's gotten into a habit of replying immediately to Dream.

The notification pings again.

And again.

And again.

He scowls, picking the phone up. Whoever's blowing up his phone is going to regret it, even if that person is Dream.

(That's a lie, naturally. If it were Dream, he'd forget he was mad the moment he saw Dream's text. Anyone else, though? Good luck.)

It's not his boyfriend, though. It's the feral gremlin that Techno calls his little brother, and it's in the family group chat, sleepy bois inc.

Tommy knows he's not allowed to spam them unless it's an emergency.

Techno's heart speeds up.

What's he done this time?


Shit, what happened this time? Is it that new kid he started hanging out with? Techno's mind immediately flashes to the boy. They'd only met a few times, but he was so thin. He's kind of worried about the kid.

what <

> Drista sysas u have a BFYFREIND

Techno pauses, then drops his phone onto the table to groan into his hands. Of all the people, of all the places to announce that— God, Wilbur's going to have a field day.

And Phil, since Tommy's bound to bring it up again during dinner, so Techno's going to have to go through this entire conversation twice.

He's not looking forward to any of this.

At least I can do some damage control. It's best to shut down the entire conversation before Wilbur tries to give Techno the Talk.

With more than a little reluctance, Techno picks the phone up.

*says <
*you <
*boyfriend <
yeah i do <


Perfect timing. I'm not dealing with this.

aaand i'm leaving <
have fun <

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