𝐯𝐢𝐢 | let's go together (we'll be free)

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let's go together (we'll be free)
- come with me, chxrlotte

1,190 words !

note: this is more /p than /r
& follows canon (somewhat).


DREAM can't believe he's out.

He's had a plan, yes, but having a plan and executing it—trusting people to execute it—are two very different things.

His plan didn't include Quackity, after all. It didn't include walking the fine line between life and death. He didn't predict Technoblade and everything he brought with him—comfort in a time when he started doubting himself.

That's the problem with sentient beings: you can't predict what they'll do. You can try, but there's always something you haven't thought of, another nuance to them that you missed.

There were times when— Well, he couldn't help but wonder, trapped in prison with the one person he—

It doesn't matter. He's finally free, and he's never going back. It's not in his plans.

A familiar thrill runs through him as he fights Bad and Sam, a feeling of—hope? It's hope, isn't it?

No, not hope. Something stronger than that. Hope is brittle and frail and shatters at the slightest uptick in wind speed.

This isn't like that. He's battling alongside Techno, and it's been— Fuck, it's been ages since he last carried a sword, and maybe he's not as fast as he used to be, and there's not as much power behind his swings, but it doesn't matter. Dream's fighting like old times, and he falls back into that rhythm.

It's not hope because this is stronger. This is something he can trust and rely on.

It's unfamiliar and, frankly, unwelcome.

Attachments make you vulnerable, and vulnerability gets you killed. He finds, however, that he's betraying that belief, little by little. Dream's helpless against it when Techno laughs, when he cracks a joke, when he's there. Something about Techno's presence makes Dream question everything, and he's not sure if he wants to keep indulging in this potion.

Standing on that battlefield, the world spinning as he forces himself upright, Dream hopes—no, knows—that Technoblade won't abandon him.

(He tells himself this as he watches Techno ignore his pleas. Dream knows Technoblade.

He also knows that Ranboo will die today. When Sam kills him, Dream knows he has to intervene, or they're never getting off this battlefield.

If they stay, Technoblade will make the Festival death count look like baby numbers.)

Dream can't appreciate it as they ride across the Overworld, and the Nether is too danger-riddled for Dream to spare any other thought than making it—home?

"We're going to our place."

Our. Our. What a promise that is, of belonging to a place.

(Dream doesn't belong anywhere, though. This world is his to control, but there's nowhere that will accept him without the intermediary of a favor.

Technoblade... He's an enigma, a puzzle Dream's missing the pieces to. Dream's realized that he doesn't know shit when it comes to Technoblade.

He's also realized that he doesn't mind in the slightest.

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