𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | in the facade

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intermission, drabble

292 words !


THE battle rages about them, but they are untouchable. People flee, people fight, people die—but not them. They are two gods, ascendant. Their duel exists on another plane, their fury burning brighter than any mortal emotion could.

Every movement is perfection. Nothing less is possible for the timeless warriors. In the beginning, perhaps, in the centuries before mortals drew their attention, they may have faltered. Now, though, hesitation is nonexistent.

Their swords clash, and the strength reverberates through Dream's body. He stares into the crimson eyes of the Blood God and wonders, not for the first time, what they look like without anger.

The Blood God is beautiful, even like this. Flecks of blood decorate his boots, and his braid is falling out. Rage makes his eyes burn brighter, giving them a wild look. Dream doesn't think he's ever seen the god so disheveled—or attractive.

Maybe he shouldn't be thinking this about the deity. He is, after all, the Blood God. Everyone fears him, immortal and not, and for good reason. This fight is evidence enough of that.

Since the moment Dream heard of him, he knew he'd been outclassed.

And yet, he couldn't find it in himself to hate the god. They met on the battlefield—only met on the battlefield—and Dream couldn't look away.

Dream was a god with no purpose, but seeing the Blood God fight, he knew he'd found it.

His purpose was to fight him, and perhaps someday defeat him.

(That wasn't a stupid thing to be the god of, was it? Admittedly, explaining to the Immortal Council that he was the god of fighting the Blood God was difficult to do with a straight face, but he did.

Fighting this god—there is nothing Dream would rather do.)


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& 200+ comments—
thank you all! <3

happy holidays!

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