𝐢𝐯 | people fall in love in mysterious ways

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people fall in love in mysterious ways
- thinking out loud, ed sheeran

3,595 words !


TECHNO really, really doesn't want to be at this party. He never likes parties—too many people in an enclosed space, trying to flirt with him, wanting to bring this discussion elsewhere—but this one particularly sucks. In the past, he had a choice. This time, Wilbur dragged him along.

He has friends, idiot. Wilbur's his friend. Tommy's his friend. Ranboo and Niki are his friends.

Apparently, though, neither his brothers nor their friends count.

They should count. Techno worked hard for those relationships. Anything beyond tolerating someone is a friendship in Techno's book.

Not in Wilbur's, though, so his lovely twin brother that he doesn't want to kill took it upon himself to get Techno a friend.

"Or a date! Or, y'know, a hookup. Anything, really, is an improvement."

Yeah, Techno definitely hasn't spent the last fifteen minutes thinking of increasingly creative ways to torture and/or murder Wilbur.

On the plus side, his glare and closed expression chase away anyone thinking about talking to him.

Wilbur, the insufferable asshole that he is, chooses to interrupt Techno's peace.

"You're not going to make any friends with that expression," Wilbur advises cheerfully.

Techno scowls. "That's the point."

Wilbur sighs. "Look, Tech, I'm sorry for pressuring you to come, but I know there are some great people here. If you stop looking like you're planning a murder, people will talk to you."

"I am plannin' a murder," Techno says, looking Wilbur dead in the eyes. "Yours."

"I feel so threatened," Wilbur deadpans.

"Mockery won't spare you."

"I'm not Tommy; fancy words don't scare me."

Their expressions both crack for a moment, Techno chuckling quietly as Wilbur snorts. They're Tommy's older brothers; if they can agree on nothing, it's that making fun of Tommy is always funny. The jokes are better when Tommy's there, but there's never a situation where they can't be appreciated.

Techno fixes his face, and Wilbur straightens—the corners of Techno's lips quirk at his joke. He forces it away, though. Now is not the time.

"Let's make a deal," Wilbur finally says. "Give it fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes of being sociable. If you don't hit it off with anyone during that time, you can leave. Okay?"

Techno studies Wilbur then glances past him. A girl with red hair is watching them. She makes eye contact with Techno and smiles.

He turns his attention back to Wilbur. "Fine," he agrees. "Fifteen minutes."

Wilbur grins. "Lovely. I'll see you at home."

Techno nods slightly in return, watching Wilbur turn and immediately greet the pretty redhead. They clearly know each other, but that's no surprise. Everyone knows Wilbur.

He sighs and relaxes back against the wall, releasing the irritated facade he's maintained. Could he spend the entire time scowling into space and chasing off any hope of conversation? Sure, but that's still fifteen minutes of entertaining himself and fending off strangers.

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