Chapter 1: I Said Go Away!

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It's been days and she still hasn't spoken to me. The guys are barely speaking to me either. I felt nonstop pain and emotions the whole time. Disgust is a new one and sickness, like all the time. I'm hoping it's like the stages of grief. She will eventually forgive me, she just needs time. I hope. 

They are angry with me for what I did and how she's been, Caleb is still off-ish with me but we're on better grounds. He understands my predicament. He doesn't like it but he understands. He's trying to help me get back into her good graces as she really hasn't been the same since that day. She doesn't interact with the others as much, which is why they dislike me at the moment. I don't think anyone has been intimate with her and she's stopped saying i love you back to us all. She now has little to no trust for them too and it's all my fault. 

Me and Caleb have been planning our attack on Decan and arranging for Dravon and Blake to go with her to Declan's territory. I now know who the bastard is and I'm thinking that he might be Decan's plan B. But I can't be sure. And is it a coincidence that their names are so similar or am I missing something.

We've been going to the Arena daily and we've all been practicing. Turns out I now have vampire speed and can use demon magic. So I've been working with Keelan and Sebastian. And we've all been learning our new abilities together.

It's the middle of the night and I hear Kylie's feet padding on the floor as she rushes to her bathroom. She hasn't allowed any of us to sleep in her bed and has refused to be in any of ours. But when I hear her throwing up I go in to see if she's OK.

"I'm fine! You can leave now." She snaps at me. I go to touch her back when she dry heaves Into the toilet. But she blasts me away and screams

"Don't fucking touch me, Tejus. Go away. I'm like this because of you and you're not helping! You're just making it worse" she then starts crying and I hear the rain as it starts to patter on the window. I have a feeling when she has a really strong emotion it affects the weather. It would explain the gloomy days we've been having too. 

"Princess. Please let me help you. I'm worried about you. I know you're angry at me. I really am sorry I didn't tell you sooner. But-"

"I said go away!" Fuck I hate this. I hate seeing what I've done to her. Caleb's right. I broke her. And I don't know what else to do. 

"Tejus, please just go" She sobs. I step back my heart fucking breaking. And the crushing feeling is back along with the sickness. A tear escapes my eye as I turn and leave and when I'm outside her bedroom door I close it and sink down to the floor with my back against it and my head in my hands.

"Is she OK?" I look up to see Blake, looking down at me with anger for me and concern for her.

"I-i don't know. She said she was but…"

"Yeah. She would say that to you. The one person she needs right now is the one person she can't fucking stand at the same time. I'll send Caleb or Keelan into her. They're better with words and comfort. I always say the wrong thing and the others are too aggressive to really be soft and delicate with her at the moment. They want to snap at her to get her out of this state but know it's too soon. How are you doing?" He asks with a sigh as he sinks down next to me.

"I'm fine. It's her I'm sick with worry about. She's been eating less, getting sick, and still running her body to full capacity. She's going to crash soon if she doesn't slow down and eat. I know it's my fault and I fucked up. I just don't know what else to do. Anytime I try, she snaps at me and gets upset. I'm sick of seeing her tears and anger that are because of me. I hate that I killed her trust for all of us. I don't understand why this has affected her so deeply, I guess I don't really know that much about her as she was never forthcoming about her life…. Logan came to beat the shit out of me yesterday along with her brothers. I let them to a degree as I know I deserve it and none of you have done it. But I know they also went easy on me because I'm her mate. Otherwise I'd probably be a dead man. I'm just a glutton for punishment because I can't leave her even when she screams at me too. Hell, the amount of times she's told me she hates me and despises me is so often I don't think I have a chance at redeeming myself. And I'm alone in it as none of you really talk to me either. I'm punishing myself enough and getting it from everyone else as well." I rant tiredly and frustrated 

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