Chapter 23: Fucking Fantastic

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Arrrrgh! She is so… so…. Fucking.. frustrating. Blake thinks I went to bed after Dravon told us she was OK and that they would be back soon. But I couldn't sleep knowing she was still with Declan. So here I am growling as I take my frustrations out on this punching bag. I'm in Declans home gym and a little envious that we don't have one back home. I am definitely going to mention it to Caleb when we're back. He can add that to the plans of expanding the house for when we add more rooms for when we eventually all have kids. 

Kids! Can you imagine? I don't know what I'd do if we ended up having a mini version of her! I can see how much trouble she will get into already. She will be driving me nuts when she doesn't do as she's told because If she's anything like Kylie, you can bet she won't listen to me or any of us. And you just know I'm going to be way over protective, if and when we have a little Princess. And if we had a mini me! Ha. Let's not even go there. Why am I even thinking of what our kids would be like? For fuck sake! 

And I heard Logan chatting all that shit! He can chat about it all he likes. I've seen and felt what she's been through. All of it. And I also know she likes me being normal with her and that's what this is. A normal reaction to her stupid behaviour. She needs some tough love and I seem to be the only one that wants to dish it out and call her on her bullshit. Yes Blake also told her he didn't think it was a good idea. But he didn't do anything but agree with me.

I know I'm not doing myself any favours by being this way, as she's already not 100 percent happy with me in the first place. But I know I don't have anything to worry about. It's not like she's going to break our bond. I know how she feels about me. I've seen and felt it, so I know she loves me, like I do her, so it will never happen. She will just be mad or angry at me. And yes, maybe even feel a little hurt. But I can live with that. She needs to understand that what she does affects us too and I'm not going to indulge her to keep her happy, when I think she's doing something wrong.

I then think of how severely fucked off shes going to be when she finds out, that when that fucking slut came to dinner, which she knew she would, that she tried to lure me to bed again, which obviously I told her to do one. But she ran her hands up my chest didn't she, and was trying to kiss me like that would make any difference! But she was really starting to piss me off because she wouldn't take no for an answer. It wasn't until Blake stepped in, telling her to fuck off, that she eventually fucking left me alone. 

I have been listening out for Kylie the whole time though. I might not be right there outside the door like the others, but if she really needs me, I'll be there in seconds. Because like I told her, I'll always be there to catch her when she falls. I hear when they get back and her giggling and then the fucking vocals. She seems fine to me so not that bothered I wasn't there anyway or even thinking about me. But now I know she's here and safe, I could do with a shower and go to sleep. The quicker we get home the better, if you ask me. 

I hear Drav and Lo in the kitchen as I walk past and head up to the room next door to Kylie. I jump straight in the shower then I'm out and getting ready for bed. I really want to go in and see for myself that she's OK but I refrain. When I come out of the bathroom I find Lo sitting on one of the beds, deep in thought.

"Logan" I say in greeting, making him look up, as I make my way to the other bed. I notice his face cloud over as I pull the blanket back and climb in. He heads into the now vacant bathroom, but he turns back to me, about to say something but he closes his mouth and turns, continuing to the bathroom.

"If you have something to say. Just fucking say it!" I snapped at him.

"It's nothing. I'm just wondering how long you plan to be like this?" He fumed.

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