Chapter 33: Not Healing

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Sorry for any spelling mistake and I will be editing slightly, but as I finished it I wanted to put it on for you, I will tidy it up tomorrow, thank you.


The more I follow this connection the more I start to feel...weird. Caleb and Blake look at me, questioning me with their eyes when I start to shiver or take my jacket off, because I feel like I'm on fire. I even feel my legs give out on me a couple times like I can barely stand. I feel exhausted, more so than I have the last few days, like I haven't had any sleep whatsoever. We've been following the bond for about 2 hours when it just stops dead in the middle of a clearing. 

"What is it?" Caleb asks.

"It just stops," I say and look around. There's nothing here! 

"As in your not connected-" Caleb asks confused.

"No. As in I can still see it, but it stops, like it's the end of the line!'' I exclaim and make a magical, imprint on the ground where the energy is.

"That doesn't make any sense. There's nothing here. So where is she?" Blake says as he looks around. 

"This is where she is so make sure no damage is around this mark. Don't need her buried when we try to get down there" I tell them.

"Ok. I'll let the others know as well" Blake says. Then we hear shouting, so we quickly move and hide behind some trees.

"Just go and fucking check! The perimeter alarms keep going off and I have shit to do, because the King plans to mate with her tomorrow, so I can't do it" If they're talking about Kylie. Over my dead body will that be happening.

"I don't see how that makes it my problem-"

"Just fucking do it, Mitch" 

"You know, you're not the boss of me ,  Garret. Why don't you go do it. I've been out here 3 times already and it's always nothing!" 

"I've already told you why! Now go do it. I'll wait here" We hear who I presume to be Mitch, grumbling as he comes Into view, looking around. 

"Split up and see if you can find where the entrance is. This has to be it! And one of you let the others know" I tell Caleb and Blake, as I listen into this guy's mind.

Fucking ridiculous, that I have to do this shit again. I don't know why he's waited so long to mate with the bitch, either. Not like she's gonna be going anywhere. If you ask me, he should have killed Amylia as soon as she was in that body, I certainly won't have waited to sink into- what the fuck was that?!

"Garret! Did you just hear th-" Mitch shouts as Garret jogs over to him, looking around that I have to duck, to make sure I'm not seen. 

"No. I didn't hear the super fucking loud growl, just now. I came over here for no reason!....Of course I fucking heard it!" Garret snarls at him. Fuck. Guess that just slipped out. But I didn't like the way he was talking about my girl. They start to move closer to my position, looking in and around the tree line.

"Guys! Need a distraction here!"

"On it" Blake says. Then I hear loads of rustling from the other side of the clearing the direction these guys came from. They leg it that way and I rush out, thinking what I should do. I see the bond and think the base must be underground or something, as it ends in that specific spot. I need to know where I'm going, to just dissipate somewhere, otherwise I could seriously hurt myself. But I'm thinking I have no other choice, as we don't know where or even if there is a top side entrance. So closing my eyes and hoping this works. I picture myself in a room under my feet.

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