Chapter 28: Hold Your Hand Out

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He wasn't lying when he said he would try and break me. I presume that after Amy and my mates left, is when he came back, stripped me down and started beating me. I just laughed in his face. Like I haven't been through worse. It just angered him more, but when I kept screaming, because I was on fire and my chest felt like it was about to cave in on itself he started swearing about Amylia. I want to laugh because I told him she was a slutty bimbo. And he didn't believe me. And after a week of him being Interrupted, in giving me my punishment, he finally makes her call him.

"What are you fucking doing? I told you you needed to get pregnant. Not fuck them every second of the day. Your Interrupting me! If you don't tone it down and start acting like this no good waste of space, I'll find someone who will"

"Uh oh. Someone's in Ter-rouble, for being a skanky whore! Hahaha-" I sing and laugh and….. SLAP. He back hands me across the face, that stings and I spit blood out of my mouth to the floor.

"Shut the fuck up!.... Urgh! You disgusting fucking bitch… NO NOT YOU! And don't be stupid! I placed a fertility spell on you, so enough! Do you understand me Amylia? Or have you forgotten everything I taught you? Start acting like her, because they will get too suspicious and stop fucking you altogether. I need results. You have little time before I switch you out, beat you and leave you for dead. I will get someone else that can do the job, so i suggest doing as your fucking told!" I gasp in pain when he calls me a bitch, as he kicks me right in the face, breaking my nose. He let's the chains loose, some when he's down here, so I have a little more movement. So I'm able to put my hand to my nose to stem the flow, as my healing kicks in. 

"It wasn't supposed to be fun, Amylia…. I do not care how many of them you have or haven't slept with. Nor do I care which is the father. Just text me as soon as you're pregnant and I will be ringing every week for an update" He hangs up and turns to me.

"Now where were we?" He said, smirking as he turned towards me. He is so cliché!

"Seriously!? You forgot? In that case you were just leaving-" SLAP. I growl at him

"I'll be getting rid of that smart mouth. I think it's time we got serious. I will have you bending to my will sooner or later. The pain won't stop until I have you submitting to me. This will be less painful if you agree now"

"Over my dead body!" I snarl

"Well, I don't mind killing Amylia if that's what it takes. I only really need your soul. I could just kill her in fact, your soul would have nothing to go back to. Why did I not think of that before? See you're already making me more. As the plan is in place I will let it run its course… for now. If she doesn't conceive soon though.." 

This goes on and on, every day. I don't know how much time passes, as there's no window or clock and I'm either in freezing cold darkness or bright white hot light. He doesn't really let me sleep and I get little to no sustenance. I get a little water every now and then and a blasted apple! So I'm really weak. My body is covered in dried blood, bruises and wounds. If I didn't know any better I'd say he's trying to get this body to match my own. 

My dreams are where I escape to. I have ones of all my mates and fuck do I miss them. When I see Tejus it's always the same. I tell him I love him, needing to hear it from him. He hasn't said it back to me yet, but I keep telling him, hoping one day I'll hear it again. I ask him not to be mad at me, that I should have listened. But they never last long. 

My favourite so far though are the ones where I wake up in bed with one of them. I can feel their warmth and it strengthens me. I kiss their heads softly, never wanting to wake them and make my way down to the kitchen. I'm always so hungry and craving bacon and milk, which I put down to the growing baby in my belly. So I cook while humming the lullaby my mum and dad used to sing to me. I then sit and moan as I eat piece after piece and down glass after glass. I can literally taste everything I put in my mouth. I then go and climb into bed again with whoever I woke up with and snuggle up to them. They always feel so real and I feel a little better for it when I open my eyes again and find I'm back in my prison. 

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