Chapter 10: Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck!

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It's starting to get a little weird how Tejus seems to know what I want. The sandwich was heaven. I've been so fucking sick and keeping away from him and this whole time, I could have been stuffing my face. When he gave me the milk, I was like really? Why the fuck does this shit taste so good? I'm so into my food and drink I didn't even hear what was going on around me.

I wipe my chin and stick my tongue out at Caleb when he tries to take the piss out of me and when he offers me more my mouth waters just thinking about more milk. So I throw the bottle at him and say yes please. Plus I'm still kinda peckish so ask for food. I'm thinking maybe something sweet, but we will see.

Then I get to zapping them with my magic and it's a little whacky. I almost hit Caleb when he teleports back. I apologise but he tells me not to worry and hands me another sandwich. I take a bite and as it's one of my favourites, I think it should be safe, but I instantly feel sick. I have to spit it out which is disgusting. The lingering taste is still making me feel sick so I down half the bottle of milk.

Then Tejus appears again and tells me to try a cupcake. I want to squeal inside, that's exactly what I want right now, something sweet. I snatch it from him and shove it in my mouth, moaning. Goddess it's fucking good. My stomach is totally doing a happy dance right now. I get the icing everywhere and don't want to waste the sweet fluffy goodness so lick and suck my fingers clean.

It isn't until Tejus comments about giving them boners that I realise what I must look like. And Tejus being Tejus says he will give me something to lick it off of. Meaning his dick. My mouth waters at the thought but I decide to tease him instead and tell him in his dreams as I purposely suck my finger in my mouth. He says they're all dreaming and thinking it, so I turn to Zander as he's the first one of them I see and I tell him I'll make his dreams a reality.

He growls, obviously liking the visual he's just conjured up, but Tejus laughs and pulls me into him. He says I'm still a tease and says I have icing on my lips. I can't feel it, but I'm not going to waste it. I'm about to lick my lips but he does it, and keeps licking and kissing my lips. I start laughing and tell him to stop as I still need to practice. So he does. But tells me I better go before he eats me. I know exactly what he means, the cheeky devil. He starts chasing me so I run and Sebastian is there so I run around him and onto his back.

But he bursts my little bubble as he says I need to practice, unless I'm not going. I don't want to go. Even though I did that spell, I'm still being drawn to Tejus. And I'm starting to feel more myself with them all as time passes. I don't want to leave this yet. But I have to, we won't find anything out otherwise. We need to know how he plans to trick me as he's only an Alpha. Though he has his witch I guess, who could be doing all the voodoo on me. Plus we need to find Decan's lair because when Tejus took Caleb and Sebastian for reconnaissance, Decan had disappeared.

Once we finished practicing we head back and everyone decides on a shower before we have dinner. Tejus is cooking so I should be good with eating. As I'm walking up to my room to have a shower myself I look over my shoulder when I see Blake still behind me.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Going for a shower. What are you doing?"

"Going for a shower. You passed your room though" I say

"I didn't say I was showering in my room" He winked at me.

"Oh, so you're going to shower with Caleb? Or Dravon?" I smirk.

"Is that where you're going?"

"And if it was?"

"Then that's where I'm going?"

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