Chapter 32: Hell Yeah, We Are

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I know they want her back but since having her in my arms, I've been going crazy. I can't handle the fact she's going through fuck knows what and that I can't do anything. I should have just tied her up, thrown her over my shoulder and taken her home. I never should have let her go to that fucking dinner. I now know why I couldn't read Declan's mind, now that I know he's actually Decan. Decan can do what I do, so he obviously chose what we did and didn't hear. I just feel like an idiot for not seeing it. Decan, Declan. It's the same fucking name just with a bloody L thrown in. 

When they want help to go get her father and brothers, I know she won't be happy I didn't help but, I can't bring myself to focus on anything but getting to her as soon as possible. So after telling them I can't go with them I rip the map off the wall and make my way out of the room. 


"What!?" He snaps.

"Where are you?" I ask him. I know he's drawn the short straw but he's doing this so we can find her. I'll help him and wipe his memory of all this shit, if that's what he wants. But after we've found her.

"I'm in Kylie's room"

"Meet me in the hall" I tell him as I dissipate outside her door. He portals a few seconds later.

"What is it?" He asks. He looks miserable. And I don't blame him.

"I want to find her. So when she wakes up I need you to work your magic. If it helps, I'll wipe all these moments from your memory after we've found her" He grits his teeth and just nods. 

"Keelan, I need those potions so Blake can help me"

"Here you go" Keelan appears behind me and hands me a bunch of vials.

"They should last for an hour. Then you will need to take another one. When I'm back, I'll be joining you. It's not being left to you alone Blake. We'll all carry the burden with you" Keelan consoles him. 

"I really don't want to do this, Kee" He says, sounding dejected. 

"I know. But we must. It's to get our girl back, without it, we may not find her" They look at each other for a moment having a private conversation, that I can't hear and wouldn't want to get in the middle of. I know some things are private and should remain that way. But I am getting Impatient. Blake takes a deep breath and nods, a look of determination crossing his face.

"I must go. We will be back soon. Hopefully" Then he blinks, to go join the others. As Amy tends to wake up late, Blake says he will take a vial and go wake her. I wait outside the door and a few minutes later I see the energy, I connect to it and tag along for a ride till I feel I enter Decan's territory. I land on the ground and look around. I spot the energy, but it's very faint. I follow it, marking the path on my map. I follow it until it cuts off, meaning they've stopped fucking. Fuck! I mark where I am on the map and continue forward hoping I can feel the soul connection my father told me to use. I let everything fade into the background and use my end of the bond to try and find hers. But there's nothing. 

My father was happy when I told him I had finally mated and that he should expect his first grandchild. He couldn't believe it and it's changed our relationship for the better, that's for sure. I haven't been at odds with him, since he learnt that I had found my true mate. 

After about an hour Blake tells me they're all back and as I still can't feel any connection to her, I roar in frustration and dissipate back to my room. I need to speak with Blake but as he's with her, and I made a promise to Kylie that I won't go anywhere near Amy. I sit in my room going over this map and trying to figure out the ground I need to cover. The area is so big, it might take a while, which is going to make me more unstable than I already feel.

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