Chapter 30: We Will See

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The pain in my head starts getting worse and when I fall back into Zander's arms I need to touch his face one last time before I wake up. This dream has felt so real. The best one I've had by far and I'm going to miss them even more than I already do. I've been filled with a little hope that what Tejus told me is true and this isn't just a dream, but I won't hold my breath. They've promised me things before and nothing changed. And I make them all promise to look after the baby, which I know they will do when they actually figure out I'm pregnant. I can feel as I'm pulled away from my dream and the next thing I feel is a slap to my face.

"Wakey, wakey" SLAP!

"Fucking wake up!" I groan. As I start to feel all the wounds throbbing, including my face.

"Are you awake yet?"

"What do you want, arsehole" I'm not happy he woke me. I never am but especially this time. SLAP!

"Don't be so fucking rude. Here I am coming to tell you my exciting news, that my men have caught up to your father and brothers and this is the reaction I get! Don't worry you will be an orphan soon. I sent over 60 of the morons working for me, to take them down. 10 to 1, so the odds are in my favour" 

"And why would that.. be exciting news? And I don't know... 10 to 1 you say? Doesn't sound like... Good odds to me… Maybe you… should have sent… more!" I say with a choking laugh. SLAP! Blood splatters to the left as he cuts my lip. Though I can't really see anything with this stupid light on me. I then spit more blood, at what I hope is his feet, as he sneers

"I think you overestimate your family"

"And I think… you underestimate them... You're celebrating prema… turely. You will… be back in… here, breaking more ribs… when one of them… come back.. to te-tell you… I was.. right!" My breathing has been a constant fucking struggle. There's a never ending tightness, like this body is ready to shut down. But it doesn't. I just endure more. This face is most likely black and blue along with the rest of this body. I literally don't think you can look at me and see any skin colour. My wounds don't have time to heal either, because he creates more, opening up the older ones in the process. 

All I want to do is sleep and go home. I find I'm craving all of them. Especially Tejus right about now. With a growl, he kicks me in the ribs and I hear one snap. Trying to catch my breath, I hear as he storms away and slams the door open and closed. Fuck, I want to cry! But I'm so dehydrated, what little water there is in my body is keeping me going and doesn't want to be wasted on tears. I'm even hoping for the 2 hour freezing cold water shower he's had me endure, once before. I think it was 2 hours, it could have been longer. I don't exactly have a clock to keep track of time. But It's fucking water I'm in dire need of. I don't know what he thinks will happen with doing all this shit to me but I won't break. Even if it is wearing me down a little. I'll die before I give him what he wants.

It doesn't really take long for me to just give Into darkness. Obviously I was hoping for another sweet dream of my mates. But no such luck. It's just a dark empty space in my head. Nothing. That is until such a time when I'm woken and give a crackling scream, as he whips my back.

"Why?" I cry. WOCHHHH! And another scream.

"Because you think you're clever!"

"Wh-what-arrggghhhh!" I cry out with the next blow.

"60 odd men and women and only 3 came back! Guess who turned up to save the fucking day!" My mates must have turned up. But how would they know to look? I start laughing and say.

"I fucking told you…. You should have… listened to me" He then gets really mad and whips me until I pass out.

Over the next however many days he either has me in blinding light, where it's hard to sleep as the light hurts my eyes, making them feel like they're on fire. I do get the freezing cold water too, which is much needed and almost drown myself as I try to drink as much of it as I can. And the new one which is a loud, high-pitched sound, that goes on and on and on for what I think are hours. And I can't cover my ears in an attempt to block it out. I even start seeing things that aren't there, like my mates. They try to break me free, but they're not really there, so obviously it doesn't work.

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