Chapter 24: And Sex

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We've been waiting for well over an hour for them to get here. I'm sitting on the steps with Keelan, Sebastian is leaning against the railing and Zander is pacing. Dravon said they were awake at 7 and it's now 9.30. What the fuck is taking so long? It's been torture this past week. For me more than the others, because I miss my flower more than anything. But I really don't want to see her at the same time. It's been a fucking horrible nightmare, wanting and hating her. I know I'm projecting whoever this woman is that keeps coming to me in premonitions, which isn't fair to Kylie. But the animosity, and I say that because I don't think there's a word for how strong this emotion is, it is really starting to consume me. And I'm scared of how I might behave or act towards her. The amount of times I've fantasised about killing her is disgusting and seriously messing with my head.

"What is taking so fucking long!? I want her back already" Zander growls as he keeps pacing in front of the house. He's been an absolute delight to live with this week, I can tell you. Snapping and growling at everyone. Let's just say that Shadow has been chomping at the bit since we haven't been able to get to her. We've tried every day but can't get to his Territory. We tried just outside but when we got there we couldn't find the place. It's like it vanished. 

"Calm down, Zan. They won't be much longer I'm sure. They were all eager to get back. Have you tried asking them?" Keelan says

"No. I'm to fucking agitated to make the connection over the long distance. You fucking ask!" He growls. With a sigh Keelan links to them.

"Hey, Drav. Are you going to be much longer? Your already running late and Zander is getting out of sorts"

"Next 5 minutes, I hope. Kylie's been a bit… of a struggle this morning. Her and Blake have been fucking like rabbits. And she's not herself. We think a spell has been put on her. She drank last night. Won't stop touching us and… it's like she doesn't even know who Tejus is or care… she wasn't sick when she saw him after her dinner and doesn't recall her arguments with any of us, so don't be surprised if she doesn't remember her conversation with Caleb either or any of you for that matter. Logan thinks she may have been spelled to gain information and so it's wiped stuff from her memory or something. She hasn't even been using her magic. So Caleb will need to help figure out some spells to try on her and get her back to normal... We haven't even found any shit out and she's longing it out, to leave. I'm not sure she remembers that Declan isn't her mate either, because she's been very touchy feely with him too" Great. I need to stay away from her so I don't end up hurting her, but have to figure out what the fuck is wrong with her. So I started asking.

"What type of spell do you think it is? Because if it's not hurting her. We might have to leave it for a while-"

"What the fuck do you mean leave it? I want our mate back. Not this airheadded, sex addicted… crazy person. She didn't tell us what happened with you two, other than she felt like you turned on her. so why do you want to leave it?!" I need to tell them. Otherwise they won't understand and I don't need more shit weighing me down, making me feel even worse than I already do.

"I told her she needed to stay away from me for a while when she got home" I wait for the inevitable exclamations before I continue.

"What the fuck, Caleb?" Zander growls
"You seriously said that to her?" Keelan asks in disbelief 
"No wonder she felt like everyone was turning on her!" Dravon says
"Why?" Tejus asks
"I can't believe you'd say that!" Blake says
"What's wrong? There has to be a reason you would say that!" Sebastion says.

"The premonitions I've been getting. They're stronger and I feel what this woman does. I keep seeing her everytime I close my eyes. She's in absolute agony, face scrunched up in pain. Then the hate and murderous intent, that's aimed at Kylie… I'm projecting her and I can't control it. I feel like I hate and Want Kylie dead. It's really messing with my head and I don't want to hurt her accidentally, so I told her to stay away from me until I figure it out"

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