Chapter 6: What?

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After a little more crying on my part and Tejus telling me over and over that he loves me and is sorry, for everything. I think it's about time I pulled myself together and took this bloody shower. So I go to push myself up and he rises with me, until we're both standing under the running water and I watch as it runs in rivulets down his chest. I ignore my hormones at the sight of him and reach for my body wash. I'm a little surprised when Tejus takes my hand, turns the water off and gently pulls me from the shower.

He pulls me over to the bathtub and starts running it. As it's running he pulls my head down to look at the cut and after a few seconds, he presses a kiss to it. Then he looks at me and leans in slowly pressing a chaste kiss to my lips before he asks

"Will you turn around and let me see your back?" I hesitate for a moment. The monster's telling me not to turn my back on him. So taking a deep breath, I tell them to fuck off and turn around. He removes the bandage and presses more chaste kisses around the wound. Then I hear the water stop running and he helps me into the tub.

"Scoot forward for me?" The only reason I move is because he's not making this sexul. All he wants to do is look after me. Which I think I can manage. He climbs in behind me and I feel a little awkward to be honest. I shouldn't feel this way around any of my mates, and yet he's made it that way. Then I feel water running down my back as he cleans the wound.

I then hear the snap as he undoes the top of my body wash and then he gently pulls me back so I'm resting on his chest. Then I watch as he works up a lather on the loofah. It's quite therapeutic. Then slowly he puts it to my chest and starts washing me. Now I know he's not being sexual. But fuck if It doesn't have my breathing getting heavier as he brushes it over my nipples and my neck. And luckily he's still being a gentleman and ignores the smell of my obvious arousal and just continues to wash my body. I may be turned on because I have a treacherous body, but that's definitely not on my to do list right now.

He then washes my hair, very carefully as to not get any shampoo and such in my cut. Once he's done he pulls me back again and we just sit there as he holds me with one arm over my chest and the other is drawing swirls on my wrist and then playing with my fingers. I'm so relaxed and content right now, my soul singing at being with the one it wants, that my eyes start to close.


She must have fallen asleep. I don't wake her or try to move. I just keep her in my arms and make sure she doesn't sink below the surface. About 20 minutes later I hear the soft click of the bathroom door and then comes the low, quiet murmur of Logan.

"Should have figured I'd find you in here"

"Where else would I be? What are you even doing in here? If you couldn't tell we're nacked!" Seriously! I don't get why the fuck he thinks it's OK to just barge in on her when she's naked, it really fucking annoys me.

"Like I haven't seen a dick before. And i've seen Phoe naked more times than I can count. She's my best friend and our relationship is strictly platonic. So don't get all shitty about it. Now. I wanted to ask how you are?" He's a dick. I hated the fact she wanted him over any of us. And I hate it even more that he's seen her naked so much. But why does he want to know how I'm doing?

"Why?" I ask.

"Because she showed me what she showed you. And before you ask, yes. I felt it all as well. I don't think she meant to do that." I guess he could see the question coming, so I didn't have to ask, but I still don't get why that has anything to do with the current situation.

"I don't understand why that's relevan-"

"I was with her during the first 8 years. I saw and experienced what she went through and went through it myself. Yet watching it and feeling it through her was.... It was fucking hard for me. So I can't imagine how that must be for you" Logan says sympathetically. Kylie shifts slightly in my arms and whimpers. So I let her know I'm here and kiss her head and she settles and i start swirling my fingers over her wrist again. I really should get out now as the water is lukewarm and we're both starting to prune. But I answer him as I look down at her sleeping face, iv really fucking missed her.

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