Wednesday, April 14, 2013

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Wednesday, April 14, 2013

8:27 am

Adalia's alarm clock didn't go off on time. She glared at the clock, but immediately felt a rush of regret.

If she hadn't been so sidetracked about a certain someone last night, she would've gotten some sleep, and she would've woken up on time.

She looked in the mirror and shrugged. Her hair couldn't get anymore frizzier, and her too-big hips are something she's grown to get over.

Why dwell over a stupid flaw, she always told herself.

With one last glare at the clock, she walked out of her room and to school.

She had already missed the school bus.

Wednesday, April 14, 2013

9:04 am

When Adalia walked towards the school entrance, she didn't expect to see the sad boy.

He leaned against the flag pole, talking to his friend from the water fountain. His silver chain swaying wildly in the wind.

The wind was strong. Adalia's hair moved in front of her face. She stopped walking, and adjusted the shoulder strap of her bag. She started towards the school doors, her hands trembling as she moved her hair out of her face.

The gaze on her made her fidget.

She knew whose it was. She thought the first time he noticed her, she'd walk up to him and demand friendship. He seemed to need someone to talk to.

Now, she felt unsafe. Her feet moved under her even faster than they were before.

When she reached for the door, she glanced back. The eyes staring back at her weren't sad. No, no, no.

They were sharp and dull. His piercing blue eyes made her freeze. His stare held her at gunpoint.

She felt like a hostage. Stuck and panicking.

The bruise under his left eye seemed to have gotten worse overnight. A dark smudge on his face. Adalia thought of times her mother would lick her own thumb and rub away any imperfection on her face before family photos. She nearly shuddered at the memory.

The scary boy's friend nudged him. His gaze left Adalia and she felt free.


She walked into the building and to her second class period worriedly.

She wondered why his stare was so frightening. She thought about the matching chain he and his friend had dangling on their left legs.

Then, she realized he was skipping class.

Wednesday, April 14, 2013

12:30 pm

"Adalia." She smiled at the sound of Caden's voice.

She turned her body away from the locker and faced the boy she thought of all last night.

"Yes?" She felt need to expand her sentences and talk more. The comment Caden made the day before made her second guess him as an 'option'.

He grinned while his eyes left hers and scanned her face.

"You weren't here this morning," he stated.

Adalia's nose scrunched. She found it unnecessary for people to start conversations with facts. It's hot outside. Yeah, it is.

"Alarm clock didn't go off." He took in the information and nodded.

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