Tuesday, April 20, 2013

19 1 0

Tuesday, April 20, 2013

11:32 am

Paige was a complete bitch.

Adalia sat in class, staring at the back of Paige's head as she would raise her hand for every god damn question the teacher would ask. Every time her hand shot up, Adalia would roll her eyes.

Every glance at Paige's perfect, straight, frizz - free hair, Adalia mentally lost it. Every word that came out of the bitch's mouth reminded Adalia of babies crying; annoying and cringe worthy.

Adalia couldn't help but think of Caden. Well, she's actually always thinking of Caden. This time, she imagined Caden sweet talking Paige while letting the whore's blonde locks run through his fingers. Adalia ran a hand through her own hair subconsciously, feeling the thick strands in between her fingers. Flashes of Caden and Paige doing far too friendly things erupted Adalia's mind.

"Yes, Paige! Fifty-four! Correct!" Great, Adalia thought, even the teacher is in love with her.

Adalia huffed and wrapped her arms around herself. Her thoughts traveled to Caden (When is this girl not thinking of Caden?) and how far they've gone in a matter of days.

Before they got together, Adalia had always separated people into two groups. The people who have had sex and the people who haven't.

Her eyes traveled around the room. She studied Greg first. He sat diagonal from her, to her left. Blonde, straight hair that covered his entire forehead, light brown eyes and freckles spread out across his nose and cheeks. His broad shoulders made his shirt fit him tightly up top and loose around his abdomen. His letterman hung off the back of his chair, its sleeves grazing the floor.

Greg? Totally has gotten some.

Adalia moved on to the next person. Clarissa Valdez sat behind Greg and beside Adalia. Her olive skin made Adalia self-consciously glance down at her pale arms that held herself tightly. Almost reluctantly, Adalia tore her gaze away from her own body to study Clarissa again. Clarissa's dark hair was short and held tightly in a bun at the top of her head. Strands fell out of the bun and rested on the top of the back of Clarissa's neck.

Her hair was just too short to be in that high of a bun, really. But, Adalia liked the look and she felt the corner of her mouth tug upward, not being able to help herself. Moving on from her hair, Adalia's gaze landed on the phone in Clarissa's lap, behind her desk and out of the teacher's view. Clarissa's thumbs moved at a speed that raised Adalia's eyebrows.

Adalia, deciding that the phone didn't really matter, chose to really look at Clarissa. That's when she noticed the eye make up smudged all around Clarissa's eyes and the heavy breathing. Adalia decided she looked too much and too long, so she plainly categorized Clarissa as a woman who has, at least once, fallen into bed with a guy. Afterall, the poor girl looked hungover.

Sam Richards? Not possible. Candy Andrews? Most definitely. The guessing game played on and on distracting Adalia from her teacher's overly enthusiastic tone.

When Adalia came across Paige, she immediately thought slut. it was hard not to.

But, she shook all the thoughts of Paige and Caden out of her head for what felt like the one-thousandth attempt the past hour. Paige wore a simple red shirt and jeans. She sat in her chair with her back straight and her elbows resting on the desk. She seemed to bounce in her seat, desperate to answer or ask any question she could possibly be given the opportunity to. She must've felt Adalia's gaze, because she turned around.

Adalia, off guard but not a coward, stood her ground and stared back. Paige's blue eyes found Adalia. It was then that Adalia realized how she was sitting. Her bottom was at the edge of the seat, nearly off of it. Her arms were still wrapped around her, and she sat so lowly in the seat, it made her feel so much smaller than Paige. Than everyone in the room, really.

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