Chapter 3

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Sarah's POV

Dad and I climbed on Shadow who was waiting in the cove so Berkians wouldn't see us take off. Once we did we went in the direction of Outcast island.

"I hope you have a plan Dad." I said breaking our silence.

"I don't like my plans." He said.

"Well what is it?" I asked.

"We need to split up. I have to distract Alvin while you look in the prison cells." He explained.

"What?! I don't want to split up!" I whined.

"Neither do I but you'll take Shadow so your Night Fury can see someone it'll trust." My dad explained.

We flew in silence until we finally got there. Shadow went around to the back of the island landing in front of a dark tunnel.

Dad and I got off, "You stay on Shadow so he can lead you. Be careful."

I nodded and hugged him, "Don't do anything stupid!"

"When does that ever happen?" He asked grinning.

I gave him a look, "Do you want one specific thing or a whole list?"

"Funny. Just be careful." He took off running.

I climbed back on Shadow and he began walking down the tunnel, slowly as if he was in stealth mode.

It didn't take us long to find the Night Fury. Shadow stopped in front of a cell and let me climb off. Two icy blue orbs opened up and the dragon growled.

"Shhh I'm not here to hurt you. I'm getting you out." I whispered to the dragon.

The dragon's head appeared in the small light coming from a hanging torch.

The Night Fury is beautiful. Bright blue lightning strikes danced across her tail fins and wings matching her eyes.

"I don't suppose you have a way to get out?" I asked both of the dragons.

Shadow gave me a trust me look then blew a plasma blast at the door. It exploded and the Night Fury jumped on me licking my face.

"Yes yes I like you too but we have to go." I said laughing. The Night Fury slithered off and lowered herself to the ground letting me climb on. "Lead the way Shadow." We took off out of the tunnel towards the center of the island. Despite my dragon's colors on her tail and wings they still helped her blend in as if with the stars. "Hmmm I think I'm gonna name you...Lightning."

Lightning purred in excitement. Shadow suddenly roared as we neared the center letting everyone know we were here.

"You call that a plan Shadow?!" I demanded furiously.

We dove down appearing in the island's arena for dragons. My dad was fighting Alvin screaming.

We hovered silently Alvin clearly not paying attention to what's above him.

"Where is she?!" Alvin screamed.

"I'll never tell you!" My dad screamed as he went in for another jab at Alvin.

Hmm time for my plan I like to all 'Operation Rescue Dad'. "Shadow grab him!" I whispered.

Shadow dived towards the arena and Lightning fired at the barrier giving us access.

"Sarah what are you doing here?!" My dad asked.

"I forgot to mention my plan!" I yelled back as Shadow grabbed his arms lifting in the air.

"Take them down!!!" Alvin screamed.

"Defensive maneuvers!!!!" I shouted.

Shadow began weaving in and out of the bolas that were fired at us. Lightning copied his movements as we raced for the clouds.

A bola wrapped around Lightning's tail. She roared in pain.


He turned around after climbing back on the saddle, "SARAH! NOOOO!"

We crashed to the ground and I plunged into darkness.

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