Chapter 6

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Jon's POV

It's been two days since Sarah has been captured. I couldn't concentrate on any chiefly duties. All I've been doing is pacing back and forth. I haven't even taken Shadow for a flight; he was getting annoyed. A Terrible Terror landed on my shoulder dropping a piece of paper into my hand.

I opened the paper. It was a letter from Sarah. She's trapped at Outcast island and she needs me. I sprinted to the Academy with Shadow on my heels. I ran down the ramp into the middle of the arena.

"Make sure you-" Ally was saying but turned to look at me. "What is it?!"

"You gotta see this!" I waved the paper in the air and she snatched it from my hands.
She read the letter letting a tear fall onto the bottom. "Oh my gods!!!"

I gulped and nodded, "I've got to help her!"
I got on Shadow and flew to the forge. I ran to my back room and begun sketching plans for the tail.

Okay so Lightning's a Night Fury so I'll measure Shadow's tailfin and I'll need leather and Gronckle iron.

I got to work immediately.

Sarah's POV

CRACK! The whip snagged on my back creating deeper cuts than before. Lightning was knocked out again so she wouldn't kill Alvin although I wish she did.
Again and again. He finally left and I staggered on the ground. At the sound of me falling Lightning woke up and crawled over to me. She licked my back continuously while I laid on my stomach. I sighed enjoying the relief of no pain. I sat up and rubbed her head.

"Thanks girl. What would I do without you?" I muttered.

Jon's POV 3 weeks later

I held up the bright blue prosthetic tail in front of me surveying it.

"What do you think bud?" I looked at Shadow. He nodded in approval. "Good let's go." I closed the tail. I wrapped the needed supplies for the new tail attaching the letter to the center and I walked out the door.

Ally came up to me, "You shouldn't go by yourself."

"I know but it'll cause more attention. Shadow will blend in with the sky. I'll be fine." I said kissing her on the cheek climbing on Shadow.

"Why can't you rescue her then come back with or without the tail?" Ally asked grabbing my hand preventing me from taking off.

"Shadow won't be able to carry Lightning and I'll make too much noise and attract attention trying to put the tail on." I explained letting go of her hand.

Shadow took off towards Outcast island.

Sarah's POV

I paced back and forth in my cell wondering where my dad is. It's been three weeks and I still haven't gotten the tail.

Thump. I heard a faint squeak. A figure appeared in the torch light carrying something blue.

"Dad?" I whispered.

"Sarah oh my gods..." He muttered.

I grabbed the bars so I could see his face. His eyes were full of tears.

"Do you have it?" I asked.

He passed the blue bundle through the bars, "There's a letter with instructions. Be careful and get out of here. I'll wait on the next island over." He kissed me on the forehead and ran down the tunnel.

I knelt down next to Lightning's tail and strapped on the prosthetic tailfin. I looked at the letter my dad gave me.


I've drawn a diagram of each position you need to put the tailfin in for flying. Please be careful. I know what Alvin's like. Just hang in there and get out quietly. We'll talk more later about Lightning's abilities. I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner or finish the tail sooner. This has never happened before. Good luck. Stay safe.

I closed the letter and put on the new saddle. I climbed on and braced myself studying the cheat sheet closely. I remembered every position with ease. Shouldn't be hard.

"Let's go Lightning." I whispered.

She blasted a hole in the prison cell bars making our escape known. Lightning took off down the tunnel. Once we breached the open air I positioned the tail and she took off. People were shouting and bolas were fired but this time we were ready. Lightning spun in circles weaving away from them and skyrocketed into the clouds.

"Go to the island over there." I pointed to an island many miles away.

I brought my hands around her neck as she descended slowly towards the island. My dad and Shadow were waiting for us on the beach.

Lightning landed and I ran over to my dad hugging him close, "Thank you so much!!!"

"Anytime. But not soon. Come on let's go home..." He said as we climbed back on our dragons.

Shadow and Lightning took off heading towards Berk. The saddle was surprisingly comfortable and I didn't mind repositioning the tail every now and then.

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