STARK: Chapter 2

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"It's no use, Peter! We'll never find the perfect girl to play the role!" Ned breathed out in exhaustion.

He and Peter are cleaning up an empty auditorium. They had just finished casting an audition but ended up with no luck. It devastated them.

"We will, Ned. We have to. This is my only chance with Mr Stark. I need him to trust me so that he would trust Spider-man." Peter answered, stuffing his notebook and pens inside his bag.

"But Peter, lying to him won't work!" Ned protested. "What if he'll know the truth?"

"Then, let's make sure that he wouldn't." Peter said, looking at him. "Come on! Guy in the chair..."

Now, you might wonder what they are talking about. Rumours have spread about Tony Stark's late daughter that there was a possibility of her being alive after being missing for nine years.

Tony, who showed up at a huge press conference, said that he was at least hoping to see her again. And Peter Parker — Sixteen Years old, commonly known by his alter ego, Spider-Man (but of course no one knows that)—took his chances. He thought that maybe if he could bring back his mentor's late daughter back to life, he could be once again offered a new position in the Avengers which he, apparently, without knowledge, turned down before.

But, after a week of searching, he somehow figured out that it wasn't as easy as he had expected. That's when he decided to play dirty — hiring young women to act like Stark's daughter in exchange for an extravagant life and so far he had none.

"Alright!" Ned sighed — Peter Parker's best friend, the guy in the chair.

"But, we can't work with any of them, Pete! It would take a while to find a convincing one. Unlike, the old lady who taught she was young enough to audition. Bet her back was aching when she climbed on stage."

Peter chuckles as he continues to pack their things, his hair falling in his eyes as he flips it off his forehead. "That's why we have no one, Ned. They weren't convincing enough..."

"If only I could just find the right girl." He mutters to himself.

Ned and Peter walk out of the auditorium, hand full of stacked papers which they threw at a nearby recycling bin.

"What a waste..." Ned sulked, puffing some air out. He turned to Peter.

"She could just be right under our noses, Ned." Peter pats his back. He nod his head, which Ned picked up as a message that it was time to go.

Peter turned, too late to notice that he was about to collide with someone — the other person's forehead banging under his nose.

"Ow!" the stranger hissed.

"I- I'm sorry..." Peter, who wasn't affected at all because of his enhanced pain tolerance, reached out to the person who fell. "Are you alright?"

"Obviously, not." He answered, pulling himself up. Peter had guessed he was a guy based on his old hand-me-down boys' clothes and hat. His hair was longer, and he was frail. "Now, if you'd excuse me, I'm in a hurry."

He brushed past Peter, which Peter had a quick glance at his face.

"Rude..." Ned commented as he exchange looks with his best friend. They started walking again and soon arrived at an old rundown place, the stark tower.

Ned sat on the cold hard floor, his Lego death star being assembled in front of him. Peter, on the other hand, was laying in his personalised web-cot, hanging at the ceiling as he examined an old box in his hand. A radio could be heard in the background. If you would have noticed, YES! Indeed, both boys were bored.

They were waiting for minor crimes to be broadcast like a stolen bicycle, a cat stuck in a tree, a robbery and the usual Spider-man deals. You might also wonder, what on earth were they doing on the old Stark tower? Let me enlighten you.

You see, as time passed by, they noticed that using Peters' apartment as their "HEADQUARTERS" wasn't the brightest idea. That's when they decided to look for a better place and ended up in the Stark tower. It wasn't best, but it was safer and Peter could train more in private.

"Even if we find her, what makes you think Tony Stark will even see us?" Ned asked as he attached another Lego to his unfinished creation. Peter holds up the box, examining it mysteriously.

"He'll see us." He answered confidently.


Peter shot up when he heard noises just as Ned's Legos fall apart. He looked at his friend, who was picking up the pieces. His spider senses tingling.

"Did you hear that? What was that?" Peter asked as he jumps down, landing perfectly on his fours, and stood up. He was wearing his suit.

"That, my friend, is the destruction of the death star!" Ned explained, reassembling the fallen pieces.

Peter looked at him, confused, his eyebrows meeting. "No! No! It's not that! It sounded like it was coming from downstairs."

Another thump and Ned stood up, exchanging wary looks with Peter. Something was echoing from below. It wasn't that hard to hear it; the place was deafening since being too close to the building was off limits and no one has ever come to the place other than them. It's either another villain knew where Spider-man was hiding or something malicious was going on.

Peter nodded to Ned, and they began walking at a slow pace. Another sound and they stopped. They exchanged looks once again, with Ned nodding this time. Peter shot out his web and started crawling to the walls, putting on his mask. Ned, who went separate ways, creeps down the exit stairs.

He (Ned) ended up in a hallway, full of boarded-up windows, the walls were halfway burnt and had holes in it. Another thud and he stopped moving. The noises were coming from there. He stealth behind a broken wall and took a peek to the other side. Indeed, someone was in there, waltzing ... by themselves?

"Hey!" Peter whispers as he lands behind Ned, startling him a bit, but he composed himself. He looked at Peter, who was now looking at the intruder. He took off his mask.

"Looks like, some ragged lunatic dancing with himself." Ned said.

"Dude! That's the guy from before!" Peter said as he turned to Ned, tapping his shoulders with the back of his hand.

"He followed us?"

"Maybe." Peter answers. "There's only one way to find out."


"P-peter..." Ned shivered as he pointed behind him.

Peter turned around only to be face to face with the intruder, their noses almost touching.




YIKES! I almost forgot it's Wednesday!!! Good thing I remembered to update XD


𝓨𝓾𝓲 𝓐𝓴𝓪𝓷𝓮


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