STARK: Chapter 9

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May sat on the sofa as she pulls (Y/n)'s hair into a braid. (Y/n) was looking very sweet, despite wearing borrowed clothes from Peter.

It's been a week since the train incident happened. Peter, being a kid under the supervision of his aunt, was, of course, grounded for doing something reckless and without permission. He was given two weeks to stay at home, but his neighbourly superhero business was an exception. It was quite hilarious when (Y/n) thought May didn't know about Peter being Spider-man. She tried her best to not to screw Peter's identity up, only to be embarrassed that she was doing it for nothing.

Now in (Y/n)'s case... May, being considerate and kind, allowed her to stay with them. They lent her some of Peter's clothes, not that it would matter since she always wears boy's clothes. At least now it would be much more comfortable, since it wasn't ragged and tattered. She was thankful. Ned, on the other hand, was of course sent home and Dash... Let's say, he was kept inside the apartment for a while after Peter, May and (Y/n) agreed to keep his existence a secret since pets weren't really allowed inside the building. It didn't go as planned, of course. The pup barked one time, and the apartment's manager immediately caught them. So they sent Dash with Ned instead.

Well, nothing important really happened throughout the entire week. The days would go on repeat, starting with Ned showing up at the apartment door every morning, Peter frequently swinging in and out of the window, (Y/n) doing nothing in particular and just helping around the apartment, then the day would end with Aunt May's burnt meatloaf.

There would also be times where Peter and Ned would "Refresh" — as they have quoted it — (Y/n)'s memories. They would sit around the sofa as they'd reassemble Ned's Deathstars Lego set and then shoot some questions from time to time, which as well as what was happening at the very moment...

"... and there was... Uhm..." (Y/n) is reciting, "Uhhh..."

She thinks as Peter looks at a long sheet of paper, prompting her.

"A Soviet-Russian spy..." He hinted as (Y/n) immediately brightened.

"Natasha! Natasha Romanoff!" She cheers, receiving a nod from Ned and a smile from Peter.

"But the Avengers calls her Nash, and I called her Nashie." She continued with a grin.

"Did we tell you that?" Ned asks. Surely they must have. How else would she know?

"You must have." (Y/n) furrows her eyebrows as she chuckles, a small smile on her face.

"Weird," Peter scrunches as he ran his fingers through his hair, "I couldn't remember at all."

He exchanged looks with (Y/n), their eyes glistening as the same thoughts ran through their heads. But (Y/n) felt rather a little different, as it is the same feeling as every day and she can't simply ignore it. Daze. Flattered. Attached... This familiarity as she stares into his eyes, or when she bumps at him accidentally, or even when they'd just talk. She feels warmth inside of her. Her stomach would do a thousand flips, and her mind would be hazy. This minor attraction that she couldn't let go, grows to something meaningful and deep. She like him, and there was no doubt about it.

Ned clears his throat as he attempted to snap his friends out of their thoughts. They stared at each other for a little while before laughing. This is the first time Peter and (Y/n) have laughed together - actually the first time Peter has seen her smile. The way her eyes squinted and her lips form to a grin. It's perfect...

Tok... Tok... Tok...

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