STARK: Chapter 17

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It wasn't long ago when (Y/n) and Tony Stark had lashed out on Peter.

He was sitting outside the house, a grim expression all over his face. He looks up from his stupor when the door opens and then came out his mentor. Tony shoots him a quick glance, then turns away, walking past him. Peter slumps down.

"I expect the suit later this evening."

When Peter looked up once again, Tony Stark wasn't facing him. He just continued walking away, giving Peter his cold shoulders. He sighs.

"Mr Stark?" he cried out but Tony didn't spare him any attention as he jumps inside of his car leaving Peter with brief answer, "Save it, kid." and shuts the door.

"Hey!" Peter turns behind him. Happy was standing there, barely unnoticed.

"Hey, Happy..." Peter murmurs as he slumps back down. Happy placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly, "Go, kid."

Peter looks at him, confused, his eyebrows furrowed. It was like this for a minute with Happy Hogan holding his shoulder and him staring at the older man. He broke it. "I-I'm sorry, I'm kinda lost."

Happy chuckles as he nods in the car's direction. "Go after Tony, kid. Prove yourself Just like in the cliche movies you've told me."

Peter smiles, his mood being lightened up. He knew what Happy meant, so he didn't waste another time. He hugged the old guy and mutter a soft thanks and jogs to the car. Peter glanced back at the house, seeing (Y/n) sitting on the window from the second floor, looking at him sourly. He sighs and slides into the front seat of the car. Tony was busy with his papers at the back, not noticing his existence.

"Let's go, Happy." He said, not bothering to look up.

"Mr Stark-" Peter started. If this wasn't a serious matter, he would have laughed after seeing Tony Stark jump from his seat, startled.

Tony composed himself as Peter turns from the front seat and looks at him.

"Mr Stark, I'm not Happy but you need to listen to me!" He began.

Tony didn't even dare to get out of the car, knowing Peter was no threat and he wasn't a normal kid either, but he trusted him. HENCE, trusted. But he somehow still does. He was just not feeling it right now.

"Please, step out of the car, Peter. I've got no time for this," he massages his temple as he points at the front seat's door.

"I can't, Mr Stark. I want you to listen to me." Peter said, "I 'need' you to listen."

Tony leans back into the seat, still eyeing Peter. He didn't utter a word, giving Peter a chance to speak, as he knows how persistent the kid was and didn't easily give up.

"I'm sorry for what I've done. I was too desperate and dumb." Peter starts as Tony scoffs. His reaction was almost fatherly, the ones who were being stubborn to their kids. Peter thrusts a small box into Tony's hands before diving to sit with him in the back.

"Look at this!"

Tony looks down, forthwith taken aback by the sight. He turns it around keenly, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I made this... (Y/n)'s music box. She'd lost this-"

"On the shed, behind a house." Peter cut him off, "... My house."

"The kid..." Tony's eyes swelled as he mutters under his breath in disbelief.

"... was me." Peter continues, nodding, lips pursed and serious.

Tony scoffs again, "Doesn't mean that you have this," he raises the music box and shoves it to Peter, "and had a big role in my life, that you have found my daughter."

"You were right. I was lying. My intention was to fool you." Peter admitted, "I made a mistake, Mr Stark, but I found the truth just moments ago. You may take the suit away or strip me off from my title. I don't care if you don't believe me, trust me. But I just want you to know I'm making things right this time..."

Peter points outside to the open window of the house, "... Just meet her."

Tony peers out the window. (Y/n) was sitting by it with Dash in her arms. He couldn't deny it. She really looks like (Y/n), the same with the other imposters, but something was different about her. He knew for sure she wasn't like the others. She looks so lost and confused.


And simply just that.




It's been a long time since I updated... as usual. I've just been very busy, but don't worry, if you're reading this book (If there is even anyone who is [I appreciate you, btw]) and you somehow like it, I'll keep updating. It might take a long time for me to update but I'm not the type of person who leaves things unfinished.

Well, that's all for today, hoped ya'll enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for more updates.

𝓨𝓾𝓲 𝓐𝓴𝓪𝓷𝓮


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