STARK: Chapter 5

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Tony's hand covered his own face as he rubs it roughly.

"Take her away, Happy." He stressed out, waving at the young woman who stood in front of him away. "Haven't anything better to do than give me false hope."

Happy ushers the now ashamed girl to the door — she amazingly looks just like (Y/n) except she was nothing like her. She walks with a regal grace that (Y/n) didn't have; she talks rubbish, and she was nothing like her at all. As soon as Happy closed the door behind her, Tony heaved a deep long sigh, massaging his temple as he poured himself a booze.

"No more..." He spoke quietly. "I had enough. There's nothing more than impostors out there."

Happy, who was better looking than he is as of nine years ago, eyes him.

"Come on, Tony. Just give others a chance. She could be somewhere out there —"

"No!" Tony cut Happy with a raise of his hand, shaking his head slowly as he looked down. "I had enough. I will not see any more girls claiming to be (Y/n). I can't..."

Tony stood up and walks out of the room, leaving Happy Hogan to think by himself.

'Tony Stark has given up...'

"So, what should I call you then?" (Y/n) chimed as they stood at the train station, Dash securely wrapped in her arm. They were going upstate to where Tony's at — the new Avengers facility.

"Spidey? Spider boy? Or just Spider-mph—!"

Peter slapped his hand to her mouth, her voice muffled as she pulls it off but failed. Heck! Was he so strong.

Are you kidding? He's Spider-Man!

"What are you doing?" Peter whispered-shouted as he looked at the surrounding people, "Are you trying to reveal my identity?"

"Mhpfhm!" (Y/n)'s muffled voice.

Peter, who didn't understand, raised his eyebrow in question. (Y/n) rolled her eyes as an idea crosses her mind.

"Hey!" Peter shouted, removing his arms around her. She had licked him.

"It's Peter alright! Peter Parker." He introduced, wiping his hand with his shirt. Disgust written all over his face.

"How about him?" (Y/n) pointed at Ned, who wasn't listening to their conversation and enjoying the odd beats of his headphones.

"That's Ned..."

A train whistles from the distance and Peter moves closer to (Y/n).

"That's our train." He says as he cushions her free hand as he thought he might lose her on the train later.

"What are you doing?" (Y/n) asks, eyeing him and their joint hands.

"Making sure you wouldn't wonder off," He answers without a big of a deal. Ned observes ruefully beside them.

(Y/n) laughs uncomfortably, removing Peters warm hand, "I can manage."

Peter shrugs as the train pulled up in front of them. "Your choice..."

Passengers got off, and another batch shoves their way to get in. Some people were crashing other people out of the way as they head for the train. The place crowded.

Ned and Peter enter just as the train whistles once again — the last warning for its takeoff. Peter turns back and looks at their other companion. And as he has thought, she wasn't following them... She just stood there, cradling her dog tightly in her arms as people bump at her. She couldn't get through.

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