STARK: Chapter 23

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Rapid knocks reverberated through the hallways as Ned Leeds pounds his fist on the door. It took three minutes before he was answered; The door swung open as Happy faced him, annoyed, but when he saw who it was, his face contorted.

"Where the hell have you been? Where's Peter?" He asked, pulling Ned inside the house. The teen was about to answer when an unfamiliar voice beat him, paired with heavy footsteps. They turned to see Tony Stark coming down the stairs.

"Care to explain why you stood up my private jet?"

Ned only stares at him, dumbfounded. He never had once talked to Tony Stark and to see him so up-close, he got mesmerise by his inner fanboy antics. As he processes everything, he stutters. "I-I... Peter –"

The sooner he said his friend's name, something snapped inside of him as if he remembers how grave the situation actually was. "Peter! Peter is in trouble!"

Ned looks at the two guys in front of him, eyes bugged out. When he noticed they were all ears on him, he continued. "I'm not really sure what happened, but we were on our way to the airport when suddenly these weird guys surrounded us. After that, we just woke up someplace we didn't know, and they got Peter and me. But Peter let me escape and he fought them and –"

"Alright, alright! Kid, calm down." Tony interrupted, placing a hand on his shoulders to stop him. "Where is Peter?"

"They still have him. He asked me to get you for backup, but when I left, I saw them pinning him down." Ned answer in distress.

At the moment, Tony was trying to make himself calm despite being alarmed by the boy's fate. He knew something wasn't right as soon as he stepped out of the room earlier. When they went upstairs, Happy had reported to him that the boys didn't reach the airport as his jet left empty. It weirded him out, especially the part where Peter left his suit, which he thought they had agreed that he should keep.

"Do you know who they are? What are they after?"

Ned shook his head. "I don't really know, but Peter seems to know them. They were after (Y/n). The woman mentioned that they were going to kill her. I think they were the ones on the boat that (Y/n) was talking about."

Tony scrunched his eyebrows. He turned to Happy. "Where's (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) claws Peter's arm, short winded as she chokes. The boy is hovering over her, both legs on either side of her as his outstretched arm grasps her neck in a tight hold. (Y/n) couldn't move an inch in his tightening grip, as he was so strong for her. His face is writhing in suppressed fury; eyes cold and blank.

"" (Y/n) tried to say, but it ended up in a sputter as she let out an asphyxiated cough.

She was swift to place her hand over Peter's face, pushing it away. She lets out a strangled scream as she struggles in his arms, squirming. Every movement she causes made Peter grunt and her to yelp in pain, worsening her situation as Peter only tightens his hold further. For a second, his eyes oscillated between cold and concern, as if he was having a battle within himself. (Y/n) took notice of this, panicking as she thought of Peter being not himself at the moment; controlled and used. Ophelia manipulated Peter, making him do something against his own will - her dirty works. The very idea brought (Y/n)'s mind back to the night when she was attacked in her room, replaying the words that slid out of the viper's lips like a poisonous venom.

'Just know that there will be no blood on my hands.'

"Pete-Peter..." (Y/n) gasps, clawing his arms once again. She lets out a strangled cough. "I-it's (Y/n)! It's (Y/N)!"

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