STARK: Chapter 8

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(Y/n)'s cry resounded throughout the boys' ears as they woke up with a start.

Ned stood instantaneously, his eyes scanning around him as his adrenaline kicks in, only to notice that there was nothing around him. No danger, no enemies, no threat... However, something else has caught his attention. Something very, very off...

"Peter?!" His eyes increased in its size as he looks at his best friend.

Peter was wide awake, most expected because of (Y/n)'s scream. He was still lying on the cold ground, although his arms draped around the girl's frail body. His right arm was used as a pillow and his left arm as a blanket. Their legs were entwined together, and their faces close as they gawked in a sheer disturbance at one another.

(Y/n), being the first one to snap out of their raging thoughts, pushed Peter with a low grunt, "Get. Off. Me!"

"Ow!" Peter hissed as he rolls amongst the crusty rubbles.

(Y/n) got up, patting the fleeting dirt off of her ragged outfit, sending icy glares at Peter. "Can't you keep your hands to yourself?"


"Excuse me?" Peter scoffs in disbelief. "You're the one who pulled me in last night. You wouldn't let go of me."

(Y/n) gasps in rebuttal of his accusation, stepping one foot back and covers hers arms around her body dramatically. "I would never!"

"Not that I'm intruding–" Ned stops momentarily as his companions sent him death glares. "As I was saying... I think, I agree with Peter–"

Ned pauses once again as (Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows even further. Peter sent her a victorious look as he raises his eyebrows and smiles knowingly.

"You see... I've known Peter for a long time and he's not really the guy, who you know.." Ned explains as he gestured to the two, "... cuddles in his sleep."

"Then, he must have done it on purpose!" (Y/n) asserts, defending herself as she crossed her arms in her chest. Peter was about to revolt when his ears twitched a second later. He was picking up something.

"Do you hear that?" He asks as he looks around him.

"Ha! Changing the topic, aren't we?" (Y/n) scoffs, but Peter ignores her. He started walking away, which led Ned and (Y/n) to exchanging confused looks with each other. What was he up to?

"Peter?" Ned calls out as they followed him, "Care to inform us what's going on here?"

"I could hear cars..." Peter whispers, loud enough for his two companions to hear. "There must be a road nearby. We might catch a bus from there."

At a rate of knots, he turns around and faces Ned, eyes gleaming with determination. "Ned, start teaching (Y/n) everything! We couldn't waste anytime. We're moving upstate as soon as we get to ride a bus."

Ned nodded but peers at their sight, eyeing their outfits and state. "Peter, I think we should go back to Queens first." Ned suggests, "We can't show up to Mr Stark with the way we look."

Peter caught up with what Ned was implying about. Indeed, he was correct. They couldn't show up to Tony Stark with overnight dried and muddy clothes. They almost look like survivors from a plane crash at a remotely abandoned island, hair dishevelled and clothes tattered. Some parts of their skin were even scratched as dry blood blended with the dirt and soil, and you couldn't almost figure out whether it's blood or grime. They wouldn't dare showing up in Tony's presence, not especially when they're going to introduce (Y/n). If by any chance they could trick him by the girl's face, they're pretty sure that he wouldn't be pleased by her appearance... at all. They needed to retreat for now, even if it meant that they'd waste a significant amount of time.

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