STARK: Chapter 7

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Ned landed in the deep water right under the bridge. Luckily for him, he could swim.

"She's out of her mind!" He hollers as he looks up in disbelief. Dash came out of the surface behind him, swimming near him, and answers with a soft yap.

The fall wasn't really that dangerous as Ned thought it would be. It was a very short bridge on top of a deep, still water. Even so, the chances of him dying are still very lethal.

In a short distance, Peter plunged down into the frigid water followed by (Y/n). Ned paddled his way towards them, the little puppy riding on his back, its front paws on either side of his shoulders. Peter resurfaced as he gasped for air. He's Spider-Man, of course, he could swim! Although it seems not to be the case with (Y/n), who, by any chance, didn't come up at all.

It took a moment to sink in that she wasn't showing up at all, and it dawned on the two males that she couldn't swim. Peter groaned in disquiet, rubbing his face before diving back down and came back up with a coughing fit (Y/n) in his arms. Her hair covered most of her face, her arms draped tightly around Peter's shoulder. Peter's right hand wrapped around her waist and the other was paddling the water.

"Are you crazy?!" Peter glared at her as Ned and Dash appeared beside them.

"Is everyone all right?" He asked.

"I'm fine." (Y/n) coughed, still in Peter's arms.

Peter scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, right..."

Ned could feel the tension between them as they swam to the nearest land. He's pretty sure that everything will not be so easy from now on, especially when the two weren't really getting along.


"You had one job..."

The woman paced in the darkened room, still angry at her Minions who somehow failed to get the girl.

"How hard is it to get the damn girl?!" she growled. Pushing one of her minions threateningly against the wall as she puts off her cigarette near their head.

"T-the Spider was protecting her madam." one guy stutters as she turns and glares at him. He continued, "I-it seems like, he knows who she is."

"Interesting..." The woman released the guy she was holding and leaps on top of her table, eyeing them one by one like a hawk. A slick smile plastered on her face, her scar showing.

"Catch her and bring her here! Stark shall meet his end." She growls, "It's time to pay for what he did!"


(Y/n) walked alongside Ned as Peter followed behind them, still wet and unhappy.

"We still have a lot of work to do!" Ned exclaimed as he walked past a bewildered (Y/n) and set up, leading them to nowhere in particular. They've been circling the area for a while now, seeking for a road and maybe hitch a bus, but nothing seems to carry out since they were in the heart of nowhere. Peter had sought to contact at least his Aunt May, but there was no signal around the area. His suit got wet during their deathly expedition awhile back and Karin seems to not work properly by then. Dash, on the other hand, was the only one who seems to be thrilled by their cursed condition since he doesn't really understand anything at all, and well, he is a dog. As a sneaky little creature he is, try to catch fireflies in his mouth as it was getting dark.

"We have to prepare you for an audience with Pepper." Ned says.

"Who's Pepper?" (Y/n) asks in interest as a stream of familiarity flickered in the back of her mind.

"Pepper Potts? Well ... She's Tony's wife." Ned kicks a rock as he placed his hands in his pockets. "We must convince Pepper that you are Tony's daughter before we'll be granted a meeting with him... Your father, I mean."

(Y/n) stops dead in her tracks as she stares ahead in horror. This is the first time she's heard of this.


Peter, who was more interested in the ground and not paying much attention to them, slams at (Y/n)'s back, causing her to lurch ahead. (Y/n), not hurt at all, turns to Peter - who is glaring at her. She returned the glare.

"You said nothing about having to prove I'm his daughter!"

"You never asked." Peter glared at her, getting more annoyed than ever.

Ned joins in, cutting the strain just right before it gets worse. "Well, you are her! We're just going to refresh your memory..."

(Y/n) turns to him groaning, "That's the thing! I don't have any!"

Then, she looks down at herself, "Even if I were his daughter- no one's ever going to believe it. I'm not exactly..."

(Y/n) searches for the right words as she sits down on a large rock. Eyeing her ragged clothes.

"... good enough." She whispers sadly. Then, in a much lustier voice, she faced them. "I can't show up with this!" She pointed at herself.

Peter looks down, seeing exactly what she meant. He sat stretched out next to (Y/n) and studies her. She was... well, unhappy. Though Peter couldn't really do anything about it. He just sat there and stares at her as the night took place.

Deep down, Peter knew that under those ragged and soaked boy's clothes, there's someone underneath it, someone they didn't know yet. But for now, it was set off as a mystery. No one knows who she is, not even her own self. Just what if...

What if she's someone important? What if...

Peter examined (Y/n)'s face.

... What if she really is the one?

Clearly, he wouldn't know. All he could think of at the moment...

Ned sighs as he watched the two. "Let's settle here for the night." he announced.

... (Y/n) does, truly, look beautiful.



That's all for today, hoped ya'll enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for more updates.

𝓨𝓾𝓲 𝓐𝓴𝓪𝓷𝓮


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