STARK: Chapter 19

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The night settled as (Y/n) snuggles under the thick blanket of her bed. Nothing unquestionably happened, rather than the reunion with her father. They had a small feast in the dining but that's just it. (Y/n) was contented with that. She didn't want to have anything more than a small feast, which Tony objected. He was certain he wanted to announce her to the entire world that she was safe and alive. If only it wasn't for Pepper who argued with him. There were a lot of disagreements, but soon after, Tony gave in and agreed to keep it for now, just until they'd come back to New York. Then from there, he'll proudly introduce her — for the child's security (as Pepper would state it).

But even with these joyous hours, (Y/n) was still troubled. Peter and Ned were voiceless the whole time. They exchanged not a single word with her. Of course as a Stark she was prideful, but there's this tugging feeling that urges her to talk to them. She was angry, yes, but she wants to forgive them. They played something wrong but did it all right, wasn't that enough?

No. She wants closure. After all, they were building something within the circle. A friendship, one that she's never had.

(Y/n) likes the both of them, although for Peter it was quite different. She's grown rather too attached to the boy and so does her father, as she had figured out. She likes him more than a friend and that didn't change at all.

Tomorrow, the boys are flying back to New York. She didn't have a chance to see any of them after dinner, especially Peter. She heard he returned the suit to Tony, despite Tony backing up against his words. Peter returned it without second thoughts, giving up on his prior motive. (Y/n) obviously tried to approach them and she only had a chance with Ned. Yet again, there was no sign of Peter. Ned was more than happy to be forgiven, while Peter locked himself up in his room. Tony, of course, became an oh-so-suddenly protective father, separated (Y/n) from the boys, which made the matter a bit more complicated. She didn't mind having a room by herself; she likes it actually, but it only gave her reasons to not see the guy she fell for over countable weeks.

(Y/n) snuggles down into the thick covers as Tony sat beside her, arms crossed with a smile on his face as he leans his body at the headboard, his eye wrinkles showing.

"And that one time at a lunch, when cheeseburgers were served, and we hid it under the table so no one could see and we could enjoy it by ourselves!" (Y/n) laughs at the thought before her smile wavers as she looks down at her hands. She sighs. "I once thought that was just my wild imagination, a dream from a good sleep. I never thought of it as a memory. How I wish I could remember everything."

Tony shook his head as he eyes her with a frowning smile. "All that matters is that you're here right now, (Y/n). Don't worry about anything, just lie low and it will all come back to you."

She closes her eyes as she listens to her father, his hand now resting upon her cheek. "You're safe, now. I wouldn't let anything happen to you ever again."

That night (Y/n) fell asleep in a light slumber, a sleep she'd always expected once she was home. She remembers the looks of her father's face as she dreams of him; it was full of joy and gratitude. She really wished for it to last and how content she was to be finally home, to be safe and with her family. Though this thought was only short-lived when she stirs in her sleep, the feeling of being watched crawled upon her skin as all her hair stood, waking her up.

As soon as her eyes opened, she sat up, looking around her, an uneasy feeling vibrating amongst her chest. Something seems off... Like it wasn't the perfect safety she could have imagined. It proved her correct when something moved at the corner of her eyes. She stares at it, scared and unable to move. Standing beside the door was Ophelia. Her eyes glowing deadly as she smirks at the girl. She exhaled deeply; her breathing could be heard clear as crystal despite her distance from (Y/n).

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