The Prologue

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The Prologue


Galan of Taa came from the planet Taa, the sole survivor of said planet after an unknown cosmic cataclysm started to make his planet unstable and kill people around, he was the first to notice the energy and it was depicted as a plague that was killing people on a city which lead to the planet to be put on quarantine, but later the said plague extended thanks to the radiation created on the planet.

He convinced a small group of survivors to leave the planet in a spaceship as it was going to eventually die and get destroyed by this unknown energy, but once they tried to escape the radiation consumes their spaceship and kills all the occupants except for Galan who instead gets power up by this energy but as he is in space unprotected he starts to agonize but in his last moments he bonded with the Sentience of the Universe who used debris of his broken spaceship to make an egg shape capsule around him that gestate him and contain the huge energy that was now part of him.

"The egg" was supposed to last years, centuries and even ages to keep him inside and secure so the energy of his planet that now was part of him didn't impose a danger to any other planet or universe for a long time, but then it happened, a huge amount of energy that expanded from a huge explosion coming from Planet 0259-S rocked his egg and in a miracle way it make its shape light up and transform, suddenly Galan's spaceship was restore again with him inside.

The spaceship crashed in an unknown planet where Galan roamed alone and hungry, the energy that he consumed and that somehow killed everyone on his planet but him was now an unstable source of power inside of him that demanded something to be satisfy, he looked for some source of food or anything in the planet he landed but it was deserted, nothing but him, the ship and the dead bodies of the crew that he convinced to come with him, he was forced to do the only thing he thought for survival

As he took the first body of one of the members of his crew that he was ready to use to satisfy his hunger, the body of the person suddenly lighted up to the touch making Gala retract his hands from him, confused about this abnormality but curious at the same time he tried once more and the more time he touched the body of his crew member the more he could feel all the energy around him, the radiation that killed that person was still living inside of him, Galan focused on trying to transfer the energy of his dead ex-crew member into him, his body lighted up just like the body he was touching and soon but surely the body he was holding suddenly turn into pure energy before going around Galan's body and feed him.

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