Part 13

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Daryl wakes to the feeling of a cool cloth on his head and a pile of blankets on his body.

"Daryl, don't move. You need to stay still," Dale's voice says, making Daryl open his eyes. Daryl notices that he is lying in the back of the RV.

"Sophia?" Daryl gasps out.

"She's fine. She's outside with Carol. She shot Shane with your crossbow, but he is fine. The arrow just skimmed his arm," Dale says, which makes Daryl chuckle and wince.

"I wish I had seen that," Daryl says, gasping in pain.

"I'm sorry, Daryl. I wish I had something to give you for the pain," Dale says, removing the cloth off of Daryl's head. "Thank God. Your fever is gone."

"How long have I been out?" Daryl asks, wincing as the pain gets worse.

"About two days. I'm sorry," Dale stammers out. "I'll be right back." Daryl just nods and closes his eyes. A few minutes later, Daryl can hear someone walk into the room.

"Daryl?" Rick asks, sitting on a chair next to the bed.

"I'm awake," Daryl gasps, slowly opening his eyes again.

"What's wrong?" Rick asks, moving closer.

"Pain," is all Daryl can gasp out.

"Damn. We need to find a drug store or hospital. T-Dog isn't doing very well either," Rick says, putting his head in his hands.

"Help me up and to my stuff," Daryl gasps, sitting up slowly.

"What? Daryl, you shouldn't be moving around yet," Rick says, steadying Daryl as he starts to shake.

"Trust me. Get me to my stuff," Daryl gasps.

"Ok, but let me do most of the work," Rick says, helping Daryl stand up. Daryl feels his knees threaten to give out from under him, but Rick quickly wraps his arms around Daryl's waist.

"I cannot do it. I'm too weak," Daryl gasps, the pain becoming extremely bad. Rick slowly lowers Daryl back down onto the bed. "Damn it. I need to get into my bag."

"Glenn," Rick shouts, sticking his head out of the room. "Where's your bag?"

"In the back of the truck cab," Daryl gasps as Rick helps him lay back down.

"Sir?" Glenn stammers, walking into the room and freezing when he sees Daryl depending so much on Rick's help.

"I need you to get Daryl's bag out of his truck cab," Rick says. Daryl is thankful when Rick helps cover him up and hides his scars. "Glenn, now." Daryl is surprised by the force in Rick's voice. Glenn seems just as surprised as Daryl because he quickly flees the room.

"I didn't mean to sound so harsh," Rick says, sitting down.

"Why did you?" Daryl gasps before breaking into a coughing fit and cringing as his side hurts.

"Daryl?" Rick yells. Daryl has his eyes closed, but he can feel Rick help him into a sitting position and holding a bottle up to Daryl's lips once Daryl stops coughing.

"Thanks," Daryl gasps.

"Are you ok?" Rick asks as Daryl opens his eyes again.

"You might want to check my side," Daryl gasps as Rick helps him lay down. Daryl looks down as Rick moves the cover to look at Daryl's side. "Did I break any of my stitches?"

"No," Rick says, but Daryl can hear the worry in Rick's voice.

"What?" Daryl gasps.

"Nothing. Sorry," Rick says.

"Those are old scars, and I don't plan on talking about them," Daryl says realizing the worry was for the scars covering most of his body.

"Merle better never shows his face around here again," Rick says suddenly, which surprises Daryl. "I don't care if he is your brother." Daryl is about to reply, but a soft knock comes from the other side of the door. Rick gets up and opens the door. Daryl isn't surprised to see Carol standing there, but he is surprised that Sophia isn't with her.

"Sophia?" Daryl asks quickly.

"She fell asleep. Glenn is watching her for me," Carol says, walking in and sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Glenn said you need this." Daryl grabs the bag, sits up, and starts going through it.

"I told Glenn to get it," Rick says, sounding mad that Glenn disobeyed him.

"He didn't want to get into Daryl's truck, so I said I would do it," Carol says quickly. As Daryl searches his bag, the blanket slips down to show his scared chest and stomach. Daryl quickly looks up to see Carol's reaction, but it is not the reaction he was expecting. Instead of looking horrified, she just looks sad. "What are you looking for?"

"Merle's stash of pills. He has infection and pain pills," Daryl says. Daryl goes back to looking, but his hands begin shaking, which makes him drop his bag.

"Daryl?" Rick and Carol yell in unison.

"Side...hurts...," Daryl gasps out between the pain, holding his left side. Carol suddenly pushes Daryl into lying while Rick grabs his bag.

"Are the pill bottles loose in here?" Rick asks. Daryl is surprised to hear the anger in Rick's voice.

"No... Bag...," Daryl gasps out, feeling sweat break out on his forehead.

"Found it," Rick says, dropping Daryl's bag and revealing a Ziploc bag of prescription bottles. Daryl closes his eyes, wishing he would blackout when the pain increases. "There has to be something more than just cuts."

"I'll go get Dale," Carol says, running out of the room. Daryl is grateful that Carol left because he can feel tears flow without him being able to do anything.

"I'm sorry, but Dale better look at you before I give you any medicine for the pain," Rick says. Daryl can only nod through the pain.

"Carol said you are in really bad pain," Dale says, walking in and sitting on the edge of the bed. Daryl again can only nod through the pain. "This is going to hurt more, but I have to check your wound." Daryl can't hold the cry as Dale pushes and prods at his side. The pain becomes so bad that Daryl suddenly blacks out.

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