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[ Author's note- angst ahead, also thanks for my friend ElizMC99 for helping me with Zoe's and Bethany's name!]

[ 3rd P.O.V]

Years and days have passed since the last time he saw the love of his life. Or any of his family, not counting his niece or nephew. That side of the family tends to stay away from him. They only visit during the holidays and then they rarely even look at Dave. Only talking to his only child Jeremy. Or asking about Bethany or Zoe's day. Though Davetrap didn't seem to mind this as long as everyone was happy in the end. Soon later this say his son would come to visit and drop off the kids to watch for the day. So him and his partner can go out to eat. Though they haven't arrived yet and the drive is a while from his home. Davetrap limps around the house looking at pictures of him and Jack. Good memories. Davetrap chuckles to himself thinking about those old times. As he holds an old black and white photo in his hand. When a sudden knock on the door frightens him. Almost making him drop the picture onto the floor below. " Ah that must be them!" Dave says this as he careful places the picture back on the shelf. He stumbles to to door catching himself as he trips a tiny bit. " Why hello there Jerms long time no see!!" Davetrap says this as he purposely goes out of his way to mess up his hair. Knowing he worked a decent amount on it.
" Dad come on!" Jeremy shouts this giving his father a light tap on the side of his arm. It's been a while since he's seen him. Sometimes he gets worried about him all alone up here.
" Grandpa Willy!!" Both of the two girls shout this as the run into the house, circling Davetrap.
" Calm down girls don't wanna make your Gramps blow a fuse!!" Jeremy says this almost half teasing Dave.
" Ah you think these little annoying sh- kiddens will make me a fuse hah I'd delt with worse!!" Davetraps says this with a laugh as he precedes to noogie the two kids at his side.
" Yeah yeah you told me that story ten times as a kid dad!" Jeremy says this almost reminiscing about old times. He sits the girls bags down on the floor with a slight slump.
" Ooh grampa I drew a picture of you at school!" Zoe says this as she runs over to a little white and black backpack. And with a swift motion pulls out a drawing and shoves it in Dave's face.

" Heh wow kiddo you're drawings have improved since I last saw you, now this is definitely going on the fridge!" Davetrap let's out a laugh as he limps over to the fridge and places the picture on there

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" Heh wow kiddo you're drawings have improved since I last saw you, now this is definitely going on the fridge!" Davetrap let's out a laugh as he limps over to the fridge and places the picture on there. " What about you Beth what are you doing in school?" Davetrap asks this as Beth looks up from her little kid tablet.
" Me and Zoe are practicing for Spring concert!" Beth says this as she has a slight hint of sadness. " Hey Grampa Willy will you be able to go?" Beth asks this to him as he doesn't know what to say. " Well um let's hope the school let's me in this time if not I'll have your dad show me on the phone!" Davetrap says this motioning for Jeremy to follow along. " Yeah of course, I'm pretty sure you're Pammy will talk to the school about it!" Jeremy says this as he checks the bags one last time as he gets up.
" Alrighty girls give your dad a hug I'm heading out!" Jeremy says this as Zoe and Beth run over to him and tackle him down. They all wave goodbye as Jeremy heads out the door. After a hour of figuring which video to watch and putting on cartoons. " Hey grandpa Willy can you tell us a story!?" Both of the girls say this in almost perfect unison.
" Well it depends which one do you want to hear??" Davetrap says this as he bends his old knees down sitting on the ground. " How about the one where you meet grandpa Jack?" Zoe says this as Beth nods her head in agreement. " Oh you want to know that one, alright then get comfy kiddens!" Davetrap says this with a slight chuckles. He could never forget that day. " It was around 76 years ago and that's when I meet your other grandpa, grandpa Jack!" Davetrap says this as he taps his finger against his head almost like he was thinking.
" It was during the summer and I was stuck under contract, I heard from the phone head that a new employee arrived!" Davetrap mutters this looking at the girls who are sitting on the couch listening to him.
" I wanted out of that place, I hated Freddy fazbenders at the time, it was a couple minutes later when I saw him entering the safe room!" Davetrap smiles softly good old days before he was left alone.
" He was orange looked like a tangerine heh, I saw my opportunity to escape this place, so I offered him a deal!" Davetrap says this motioning with his hand holding it out.
" Of course at first he didn't trust me and declined, we well to put this simply didn't like each other, I was angry because he didn't accept it and be didn't trust me one bit!" Davetrap chuckles to himself but also feels guilty about how he hurt Jack in the past. He let's out a shrug and tries to push these guilty emotions away.
" Then you guys fell on love!!" Beth says this letting out a yawn as Davetrap checks the time on his watch. They shouldn't be gone that long it was just a quick dinner date.
And after 2 hours of watching horrible fucking children's cartoons on YouTube [ only the down right hideous ones]. The same old knocking is on the door by this time the girls are asleep. And Davetrap was cleaning up the mess they left in the living room. He heads over to open to door.
" Hey Jerms how'd it go?" Davetrap asks this letting him inside to wake up the girls and take their bags.
" It went well me and Blake had a great time, thanks again for watching the kids!" Jeremy says this shaking the girls awake with his one free hand.
" It was no problem Jerms it's the least I can do!!" Davetrap says this as the two kiddens wave sleepily as they head out the door. They all say their goodbyes as Davetrap shuts the door. Again left in the silence alone. He let's out a sigh and sits down on the couch. Loneliness seeps in, there is no one here but him. Oh how he wishes for Jack to be here by his side. He even misses the stupid sock puppet and fighting with her. It use to be so lively with them around. But he had outlasted all of them. He couldn't force Jack to choose the suit. It was his choice after all. But the one thing he'd always tell him is that he didn't want to be stuck like this, as monster.
People fear him or look at him with such disgust. To a point where he has to beg to even be let in to see his own grandchildrens concerts. It makes his blood what's left of it boil. But he brushes this off as he looks up as his and Jack's old wedding photos.

" I miss you sportsy.."

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