Twisted Love..

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[ 3rd P.O.V]
It's been a while ever since Jack brought Dave back to his restaurant. He refused to be spring locked the cops tried to pin the murders on him but they didn't have any evidence. It started off as an small business and slowly grew into an larger and more profitable business it towers over the smaller buildings. Those who know about the endeavors that Jack does to those who are deemed worthless. Years has passed and many fear the name Jack Kennedy for who disrespects him are found dead. DaveTrap let's out a sigh looking out the window down at the city. He's not allowed to leave the building without Jack's permission ever since what happened in the fazbunker years ago, he has been nervous to upset Jack. He had his chance to get rid of him but instead he choose to end Henry. He's looking out of the window down at the building below. Suddenly he feels a hand touch his shoulders.
" Gah.!?" Dave let's out an gasp turning around.
" Willy.. what are you doing out around this time.. dinner is almost done!" Jack says this sliding his hand down to grip Dave's. " I.. um wanted to look at the view um.. Jack.." Dave says feeling Jack pulling him through the labyrinth of the building, he keeps his eyes down looking at the floor.
" Willy... are you made at me?" Jack says this quietly looking back at Dave.
" W-Why would I be mad at you Jack..?" Dave says this making short eye contact with Jack.
" You haven't been talking with me.. you know.. I want you to tell me if something's wrong my dear Willy!" Jack says this rubbing Dave's arm gently looking into his eyes with a soft smile. Dave shivers at the sudden affection, his face heats up behind the mask. He knows that Jack can see this. Before Dave can answer Jack's question they are interrupted by Harry stuttering out a few words that was hard to understand. But whatever it was Jack had to come quick. Jack let's out a groan his grip on Dave was tight but he reluctantly let go. Trying to listen to what Harry was saying while shooting quick glances over at Dave. Dave felt the heat rise in his face as his eyes meet with Jack's they both look away. Things have been awkward between the two "friends" ever since the bunker. Dave has slowly buried himself deeper not talking or daring to speak up. Most of the time Jack was busy so he was alone. He meant what he said to Jack even if it was out of fear for his own life. He loved him deeply but he knew his love was only one sided. Jack barely spent any time with him and when he did it was short. Jack reluctantly followed Harry waving goodbye to Dave. Once again he was alone in the building left with nothing but silence and very few other small noises. Loneliness felt Dave's heart, it hurt even though he feared that Jack might see his usefulness no more and get rid of him. He still craved attention he wanted it to be like old times. Just Him and Jack nobody else they never needed nobody else. Dave walks slowly through the empty halls eventually leading to the dinning room. Delicious food is lined up but Dave just wants to eat with Jack. Seats lined up but all empty an chef hands Dave his plate so he could pick out what he wanted to eat. He only grabbed a little bit not being hungry and the whole robot body makes it difficult. He plops down on his seat how long has it been since he had eaten with him. Sorrow building up in his heart. He finished off the rest of his food slowly.
" Um excuse me.. erm Mr. Afton the masquerade ball will be held in a week the boss wanted me to remind you.." The worker says this not making eye contact with Dave. He only nodded and walk around for a while staring out the windows before heading back to his room. Laying down on the softly hard bed. It was fitted for his comforts. What only feels like a couple minutes turn out to be two hours as an knock on the door alerted Dave to get up and open it.
" J-Jack..?!" Dave says this embarrassed as he peered out the door his face close up against Jack's he can feel his breathe. His face instantly heats up and he looks away pulling back deeply. Jack's face has a hint of red on it as he looks away and turns back shutting the door quietly and smirking. Dave shivers a bit at the sudden smirk. Jack sits down next to Dave on the bed. He locks their hands together blushing a bit.
" I'm g-guessing you want me to answer y-your question?" Dave says this nervously glancing down looking at their now interlocked hands.
" N-no I wanted to spend time with you Willy~" Jack says this placing his hand on Dave's chest leaning against him. " That meeting was sooo boring.. your so much more fun than any meeting~" Jack says this gently stroking his chest pulling him closer.
" Show me Will what do you do for fun~" Jack says this smiling at Dave, his face is completely red behind the mask. He pulls away holding Jack by his shoulders gently, usual he loves physical interactions with Jack. He looks around the room grabbing Jack by the hand as he peers out the door.
Jack places his free hand onto Dave's back peering out the door with him. Dave pulls Jack sneaking away from the guards who he assumed was looking for Jack. They kept sneaking past guards and messing with people.
" Hehehe * snorts*!" Jack let's out a series of giggles he gets so far into the laugh that he ends up snorting. It's nice to hear Jack laugh like that. Jack stops himself and looks at Dave blushing a bit. Dave blushes even more as Jack pulls him closer there "lips" so close to each other. Dave gets a sudden craven.. he wants him.
Before anything can happen an guard spots Jack and says he has another meeting. Jack opens his eyes slowly moving away from Dave letting out a displeased growl. He slowly follows the guard looking back at Dave one last time before going away from sight, he has an soft smile on his face, an real smile.
[ Time skip to the masquerade ball]
[ Jack's P.O.V]
Finally something to spice up the boring business stuff and same old meetings. Though I can't stop thinking about William.. I want him so badly I've always wanted him. I don't know if he even likes me anymore.
I want to spend time with him, every time I'm around him I have so much fun. I can sense his loneliness and fear. I hate that he fears me. The people who I have invited came.. no sight of William.. I want him hear I try to get up, I want to go check on him but an guard warns me to stay.
I snap at those words my cold eyes pierce his soul as he quiets himself I get up ignoring all the other guests.
My dark purple tuxedo swinging beautiful as I move on my black dress shoes. They make clacking sounds throughout the empty halls. I walk to William's room and slowly open the door he's trying to get his clothes on but struggling failing to. His pose that he's trapped in is.. tempting so tempting I refrain myself and help him. " W-Willy wow~" I say this observing his body up and down his dark orange suit which I haven't seen before is almost buttoned up.
I can see the embarrassment from behind his mask. I blush deeply holding his hand in mine.
" I like that suit the color fits you Willy~" I say this buttoning up his shirt, straightening his tie.
" T-Thanks Jack.. I'm rather glad it's you r-rather than an g-guard.." Dave says this embarrassed looking away his face is so red. I place a hand on his chin pulling his face against mine.
" So you didn't mind me seeing you in that embarrassing pose~" I say this teasingly smirking at him.
" I um.. y-you know w-what I meant!!" Dave says this embarrassed pulling away his face is completely flustered and it's so cute. " I'll be waiting for you at the ball Willy~!" I say this winking at him playfully as I walk away.
[ Dave's P.O.V]
My mind was racing, the sensation in my chest was rising. Fuck Jack saw me in that pose God. I'm so clumsy if I was more careful I would of not ended up like that. But I have to get ready I don't really need to wear a mask with this God awful suit merged with my body. I quickly hurry up making myself look decent and wander over to the ball room people who are somewhat important to Jack are lined up wearing masks, usually in these annual balls I keep to myself not talking to people unless they talk to me. Sometimes Jack is to busy to check up on me so I just lean against the wall by the corner and wait the ball out. Suddenly a pair of arms wraps around my waist.
" Hey there Willy~" Jack says this his face cuddling lightly against my back.
" J-Jack ah it's y-you!" I stumble with my words when I say this my face heating up with his sudden contact.
Suddenly slow dance music starts to play and I hear Jack giggle a bit he moves in front of me. A light tint lining his cheeks he has a goofy smile.
" Soo will you take this dance with me William~" Jack says this extending his hand, I reach for his hand grabbing it, he pulls me in his other hand grabbing my hip. I blush deeply and place one of my hands on his shoulders my other hand intertwined with his. We start to dance to the music, I try not to trip over myself or Jack. The whole time is magical it's just me and him. It's like everyone else is gone it's just us dancing. But then the music stops and I let out a sad sigh. Why does it have to be over I want to dance with him more.
I feel Jack place his hands on my face and pull me closer.
" Let's ditch this ball and go somewhere private~" Jack whispers in my ear sliding his hands down to grip mind. I blush and nod as we both make our way out of the ball with no one noticing. Jack tugs me to my room and pushes me down on the bed.
My face heats up as he is laying on top of me straddling my waist.
" W-Willy I want you I've always wanted you~" Jack says this kissing my neck then face over and over again. I can't move I've always wanted this. " Ngh Jack I love you!!" I stutter this as Jack showers me in small kisses and nibbles.
" I love you too William I've always had these feelings~" Jack says this opening the mouth of the mask kissing me through it. We sit there are arms intertwined with each other kissing each other deeply. I've never felt happier. I want this to last..
[ Tommorow is another day]

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